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南宫静远 2024-11-02 02:07:14 0


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Cogdel Education Chengdu Anren Campus has been officially certified by Cognia (formerly AdvancED), In addition to a school for expatriate children in Chengdu, Cogdel Education Chengdu Anren Campus and a partner school of Cogdel Education Group were awarded Cognia accreditation.



成都少有(安仁康德学校认证校区) 排名链接



我校执行校长蒋益表示,“Cognia 认证是一个严格的过程,它将整个学校及其社区的主要目标集中在创造一个人人都能参与的环境,致力于让学生们成为终身学习者,并让所有学生都能蓬勃发展。

The entire Cognia accreditation is focused on three modules - Leadership, Learning and Resources - and Cognia officials conduct an almost rigorous assessment exercise of 30 elements, including the school's teaching philosophy, curriculum, faculty team, teaching management and operational management.

Being accredited by Cognia fully demonstrates that Cogdel Education Chengdu Anren Campus has met the standards of global education trends and challenges in many aspects, including school culture and philosophy, school management, teaching management, campus culture building, student activity management and students’ university admissions, and can benchmark itself against the world's best international schools and to be in the company of global quality education.

Jiang Yi, the executive principal of our school, said, "Cognia accreditation is a rigorous process that focuses the primary goals of the entire school and its community on creating an environment where everyone is engaged, committed to making students lifelong learners, and where all students can flourish."

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作为世界最大的一家国际学校认证机构,Cognia (AdvancED)拥有本世纪上万所学校的教学质量评价数据。

获得Cognia (AdvancED)认证,意味着康德教育成都安仁校区学校在国际认可度方面也将获得提升,对于未来毕业生申请海外大学,对于学校未来招聘一流海内外人才,对于学校未来展开与世界其他学校的合作等,都将产生深远的影响。

As one of the world's largest accrediting bodies for international schools, Cognia (AdvancED) has data on the quality of teaching and learning in tens of thousands of schools this century.

Being accredited by Cognia (AdvancED) means that Cogdel Education Chengdu Anren Campus will also gain international recognition, which will have a profound impact on future graduates applying to overseas universities, on the future recruitment of first-class overseas and domestic talents, and on the future cooperation between the school and other schools around the world. In fact, not only from the perspective of school operation, but also for students and parents, the accreditation of the school will bring changes that they will personally feel.

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01 国际文凭认证


02 社会认可度高


03 持续改进追求卓越


04 海外课程衔接


01 International Certification

Transcripts from Cognia® accredited schools can be endorsed by the seal of Cognia® and are highly recognized by universities worldwide compared to transcripts from regular high schools.

02 High social recognition

Schools certified by Cognia® will stand out among many schools and have higher social recognition.

03 Continuous improvement and pursuit of excellence

Cognia® accredited schools are regularly supervised by Cognia and are committed to continuous improvement and excellence.

04 Overseas curriculum convergence

Students studying in Cognia® accredited schools, if they transfer to overseas schools or international schools halfway, will have valid results certification, which can reduce other supporting evidence or be required to retake courses.

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During the Cognia accreditation process, Cogdel Education Chengdu Anren Campus demonstrated strengths in all areas from teaching structure, curriculum, personalized learning support, student discipline, leadership development and extracurricular activities.

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Learning from the East and the West, knowing and doing, opening the door to world-renowned universities for Chinese students. We fully respect students' diverse growth and differences; fully develop their potential and focus on their strengths; fully cultivate their excellent character and noble sentiments; fully stimulate their motivation to learn, and fully cultivate their ability to challenge difficulties. Through the cultivation of interests and strengths, students will be trained to become international talents with social contributions, scientific innovation, and global competitiveness.

The school develops a full range of core skills such as independent thinking, collaboration, thinking skills, scientific inquiry and presentation skills, providing a solid foundation for their subsequent academic and career paths.

Rather than being confined to a single type of classroom, students are able to choose from a wide range of courses offered by the school based on their interests. The school offers a wide range of classes in sports, arts, humanities, logic and thinking, technology, performance and public service, giving students ample choice to specialize in one area and to experience different areas and broaden their horizons, developing their learning interests in all aspects.

The process of creating student clubs, preparing and organizing them on their own, identifying problems and solving them is a great way to develop students' organizational skills, communication, resilience and leadership skills.

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The school also has a team of teachers with innovative teaching methods and experience, with nearly 70% of teachers with master's and doctoral degrees, and most of the foreign teachers are highly qualified from world-renowned universities. Mathematics, Chemistry, Information Technology and Computing, Physics, Biology and STEM/Science subjects are taught by highly qualified foreign teachers with doctoral degrees, allowing students to combine the learning of basic knowledge with the use of high-end cutting-edge technology.

For teachers' professional development, the school has also developed various teacher training and growth programs. In addition to encouraging teachers to actively participate in nationwide teaching competitions and training courses, and to enhance themselves through educational seminars and academic conferences, teachers are also supported to conduct academic research; they are also encouraged to enhance their internal learning from each other and to complement each other's strengths in order to gain reflections and insights on teaching.

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历届毕业生中,90%进入世界前一百的名校,学校毕业生曾经被牛津大学、伦敦政治经济学院 、芝加哥大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、波士顿学院、英国帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、华威大学、加拿大多伦多大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、滑铁卢大学、香港大学 、香港科技大学 、日本早稻田大学等世界名校。



Till now, 90% of the graduates were admitted to the world's top 100 universities. Graduates of our school have been admitted to the Universities of Oxford, The London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of Chicago, the University of California, Los Angeles, Boston College, Imperial College, University College London, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Waterloo, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Waseda University and other world-famous universities.

In terms of university admissions, it undoubtedly provides students with diversified pathway options, and the Cognia certificate provides students with more options and opportunities to apply to world-renowned universities globally.

In terms of admission strategies, the University Guidance department provides each student with a one-to-one plan for further study, including guidance on course selection, planning for activities and competitions, and the entire process of submitting application documents for overseas universities, to help students understand themselves and achieve their goals.

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在未来的国际教育上有了 Cognia 组织专业加持,我校将充分利用各种方式和教育模式创新,重在培养孩子们包括独立思考能力,创造性思维,包括勇于尝试、行动导向等方面的性格,自主学习的能力,团队合作能力及领导力等,培养面向未来的国际性人才。


