
第一条 服务内容
Article 1 Service Content
第二条 服务开通
Article 2 Service Commencement
第三条 资质和资信
Article 3 Qualifications and Credentials
第四条 服务期限
Article 4 Term of Service
第五条 服务费用
Article 5 Services Fees
第六条 结算支付
Article 6 Payments of Settlement
第七条 消费者权益保障金
Article 7 Guarantee Fund of Consumer’s Rights and Interests
第八条 甲方的权利和义务
Article 8 Party A’s Rights and Obligations
第九条 乙方的权利和义务
Article 9 Party B’s Rights and Obligations
第十条 合同的变更、解除和续期
Article 10 Modification, Cancellation and Renewal of Contract
第十一条 违约责任
Article 11: Liability for Breach
第十二条 保密
Article 12 Confidentiality
第十三条 合同争议的解决方式
Article 13 Settlement of Contract Disputes
第十四条 附则
Article 14. Supplementary Provisions
第二条 服务开通
Article 2 Service Commencement
Party A shall, pursuant to the specific provisions of the written agreement which concluded by the parties, commence the service with the notification to Party B.
Party B shall submits its relevant qualification and credit information in accordance with the provisions of the relevant electronic agreement online reached between the parties, and Party A shall commence the service and notifies Party B without delay upon examination and approval.
(2) Party A shall provide the platform account (or service) in accordance with Party B's application, and shall be responsible for the daily maintenance and technical support for the use of the platform, in addition to guarantee the normal operation and safety of the use thereof.
第三条 资质和资信
Article 3 Qualifications and Credentials
(1) Party A shall be a legal person or an unincorporated organization which has registered as a market entity in accordance with the law and, being in effective existence, has obtained other administrative licences under the law.
(2) Unless otherwise provided for by laws and regulations, Party B shall be a legal person or an unincorporated organization which has registered as a market entity in accordance with the law and, being in effective existence, has obtained other administrative licences under the law.
第七条 消费者权益保障金
Article 7 Guarantee Fund of Consumer’s Rights and Interests
Party A and Party B have agreed to set up the Guarantee Fund of Consumer Rights and Interests (hereinafter referred to as the Guarantee Fund), and have agreed as follows:
(一)乙方向甲方缴纳保障金 元, 仅用于支付因乙方责任给予消费者的赔付及损害赔偿。
(1) Party B will effect payment of yuan RMB as Guarantee Fund to Party A, which will be used only for the payment of claims and damages to consumers due to Party B's liability.
(二) 甲方应设立专项账户并严格管理保障金,按照银行同期存款利率计算保障金的利息。
(b) Party A shall set up a special account and strictly manage the guarantee fund, and calculate the interest of the guarantee fund in accordance with the deposit rate of the same period of time of the bank.
第八条 甲方的权利和义务
Article 8 Party A’s Rights and Obligations
(一)甲方应当建立健全平台内交易规则(包括但不限于交易安全保障、交易内容审查、消费者权益保护、不良信息处理等管理制度)。甲方有权依据平台服务合同与交易规则对乙方违反法律法规的行为实施警示、暂停或者终止服务等措施,并在采取相关措施之日起 日内完成公示。
(1) Party A shall establish and improve the rules for transactions within the platform (including but not limited to the management system for transaction safety security, review of transaction content, protection of consumer rights and interests, and handling of undesirable information). Party A has the right, in accordance with the platform service contract and transaction rules, to implement measures such as warning, suspension or termination of services for the reason of Party B's violation of laws and regulations and shall complete the public announcement within days from the date of taking relevant measures.
第九条 乙方的权利和义务
Article 9 Party B’s Rights and Obligations
(2) Party B have the right to submit a statement with evidence of non-infringement upon receipt of a notification transmitted by Party A from an owner of intellectual property rights claiming infringement of its rights. Party B shall, within 15 days upon Party A’s delivery, without delay, of the statement to the intellectual property right holder from which no any notice of complaint or lawsuit, have the right to request Party A to terminate the measures taken in time.
(6) Party B shall disclose information on goods or services in a comprehensive, truthful, accurate and timely manner to safeguard consumers' right to know and choose, etc., and shall not conduct false or misleading commercial propaganda in the form of fictitious transactions, fabricated user’s evaluations, etc. to deceive or mislead consumers.
第十条 合同的变更、解除和续期
Article 10 Modification, Cancellation and Renewal of Contract
(1) The terms of this contract may be changed or amended by the consensus of both parties, however where laws or administrative regulations provide for the formalities of approval or registration, such provisions shall prevail.
(2) During the effective period of the contract, if the performance of this contract is affected by force majeure, Party A and Party B may terminate the rights and obligations hereunder in accordance with the law, and the fees that Party A has already collected and Party B has already paid shall be handled as the following agreement:
第十二条 保密
Article 12 Confidentiality
(1) Any technical and commercial information provided by a party to opposite party for the performance hereof shall constitute confidential information of the parites, unless the provider of information expressly states the information is non-confidential. The party receiving the information shall not, without the consent of the party providing the information, disclose, sell or illegally provide the said confidential information to others.