首页 » 软件优化 » 开垦设计如何工作?为您制作设计的流程是什么How DFDesign work for you?(设计开垦为您您的项目)

开垦设计如何工作?为您制作设计的流程是什么How DFDesign work for you?(设计开垦为您您的项目)

admin 2024-10-29 10:46:51 0


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Based on interior design, DFDesign is engaged in integrated and crossover design. Interior design for us meansworking on both the hard part of the space and the soft part. This is our approach that helps us to better follow the project and follow it in all its aspects from the beginning to the end. In fact we love to take care of every aspect to be able to deliver in your hand a work done in quality, tailored to your needs and fully satisfy your needs.

| 别墅设计 | Villa/Townhouse Design

| 公寓设计 | Apartment Design

开垦设计如何工作?为您制作设计的流程是什么How DFDesign work for you?(设计开垦为您您的项目) 软件优化

| 办公室设计 | Office Design

| 酒店设计 | Hotel Design

| 展览和展厅设计 | Showroom/Exhibition Design

| 陈设品设计 | Ornament Design/Consultation Service

| 小型建筑设计 | Independent Architecture Design/Consultation Service




Very often we are asked what we can design, and we want to remind you once again that our approach to design is transversal and integrated, we do not enclose our creativity in one category, but we design different spaces based on the customer's request. DFDesign pioneered make apoint \"crossover and integration design logic\", thus shorten communication cycle, accelerate design cycle, make the brand characteristics highly unified, significantly improve the economic benefits. It's all based on what we do best: brand planning. We do not want to have limits in design and this way of working helps us to specialize more and more and to always create new and original projects.

About our team's brand planning work,

please review:

What can a brand strategy help you do?

| 产品包装设计 | Product packaging design

| 交互设计 | UI design, APP, Website design

| VI设计 | Visual/Corporate identity design

| 平面设计 | Graphic design

| 面料设计 | Fabric design

| 插画和墙绘 | Illustrations/Hand painting

这个问题对我们来说意味着不专业,就像走进餐厅问厨师一顿饭的成本,厨师会告诉您什么呢? 因此,为了有一个准确的报价,我们需要基本的信息如:

It is common to receive the same questionsfrom many customers, for example, how much does your design cost? But design is not a industry product with a fixed and standard cost, design is a creative and technical job that needs clear and precise information to define costs and time. This question for us denotes unprofessionalism and is like entering a restaurant and asking; how much does the food cost? What would the chef tell you? Therefore, in order to have an accurate quote, we need basic information such as;

项目类别:别墅? 公寓? 酒店? 办公室?

Project category: Villa? Apartment? Hotel? Office? Etc.


Area of space:How many square meters the space?


Space style:Modern? Chinese? Italian? Minimal? Etc.


Timing; When do you want to start the project? And when to finish it?


Current situation:How looks the space now? Can you show us the site conditions to us?


Reference style:do you have any reference images you like and do you want to show us?


Budget:What is your design budget? For designers, the size of the budget does not affect the quality of the design. We try to control the budget as much as possible.


This is the basic information, which will allow us to understand what you want and from this information we could make our accurate quotation for you, not general. We also remind you that we only and exclusively deal with design, our studio does not deal with construction, but we have Chinese partners in different cities of China who can follow the construction of the projects, so we can also offer a single price that includes design + construction if you want.


We provide custom furniture and soft decoration design or consulting services, but you can also purchase your own. Thanks to our resources in China, so that may you have the best possible price.



So here is an example of what we can do for you, step by step, from start to finish. Here the 10 rules for the perfect project:

1/ 筹备会议 Preliminary Meeting


During this phase it is important to collect your information, understand in details, what you want and receive requests from you for what you want. We need to know what you like and what you don't like, direct questions and clear answers, this in order to be able to give you the best of the solutions, to be effective and not waste time unnecessarily. Time is money for everyone and for business there is no time to ramble.

2/ 意向图 Moodboard


After the preliminary meeting we will offer you a moodboard where you can see what we could do and the creative direction that we will give to the project based on the information received, you will be able to better understand how your space will become in the end.

3/ 合同 Agreement


Once you have established the first contact and approved the moodboard with clear information and have decided to work together, it will be important to prepare a contract that determines everything we have to do for you, with deadlines and requests, approve the budget and make the first deposit, after making a deposit we will be ready to work for you.

4/ 概念 Concept


First phase of the project and most important is the development of your requests and starting from the moodboard we will create a concept for you, the basis of your project that will be unique and original, a concept that will be the base for developing your space and which must be confirmed by you. Once the final concept has been established, we could proceed to the next stage.

5/ 平面图 Floorplan


We should define the space, find the functionality and define what the structure of the project will be. We will define and detail the space giving the definitive functions and showing you how it will be divided in its totality, this phase is fundamental to have the definitive idea of how the project will then be created.

6/ 效果图 Render


After defining the concept and spaces on the floorplan, we will be create render images of the main areas that will be useful to you to understand the final details. Via the renderings, we will understand how the space can be in its aesthetics and functionality. We will create images of the main areas.

7/ 施工图纸 Construction Drawings


We will be ready to devote ourselves to the construction drawings of the space, especially useful for the construction company to understand how to build and install hard and soft of the project. It also great helpful to the owners after several years of maintenance.

8/ 家具及软装 Furniture and Decoration


It will be our concern to work in the research for all the deco part of the space and we will talk with brand to found best price and style for you. We have abundant suppliers of Chinese furniture and construction materials. We will prepare the list of soft decoration with the relative costs and will help you to buy furniture directly from the manufacturer.

9/ 监督施工现场 Supervision of the Construction Site


We will follow the construction step by step, visit construction site or communicate remotely, to help and check the installers to assemble everything in the best possible way. Design details are essential to have a quality project.


Usually if we work in the right way we are all more precise and efficient, and we can deliver the project in about 30-45-60 days. The timing will be dictated by the size of the space, and by the complexity of the project of course, but in about 2 months the project is usually completed, after that, construction company can start to build.


The quality of the project is important to us, not the size. It can be a large villa, or a small office, a large showroom or a small apartment, it doesn't matter. For us, it is important to work in high quality to create a space that makes the people who live it happy. Design is the service of the happiness of all humans.



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