首页 » 99链接平台 » 训练计划设计,生物力学,教学过程(跳远力学教学过程生物设计)


南宫静远 2024-10-24 01:28:32 0


文章目录 [+]

<Packed with coaching insights, tips, tools, and progressions, the ALTIS Coaching the Horizontal Jumps Course includes 24 hours of digital guided learning material that you can digest at your own pace. Each of the 12 topic-specific modules is designed to be taken in series, forming a platform of knowledge built upon by the themes covered in successive modules.ALTIS 水平跳跃教练课程充满了教练见解、技巧、工具和进展,包括 24 小时的数字指导学习材料,您可以按照自己的进度消化这些材料。
12 个特定主题模块中的每一个都设计为系列学习,形成一个以连续模块所涵盖的主题为基础的知识平台。

Understand and apply the biomechanics of the Horizontal Jumps to their coaching practice了解水平跳跃的生物力学并将其应用到教练实践中Understand the technical model for the Long and Triple Jump, and associated Key Performance Indicators了解跳远和三级跳远的技术模型以及相关的关键绩效指标Safely and effectively apply progressions to coach beginners to progress to development level and beyond安全有效地应用进步来指导初学者进步到发展水平及更高水平Understand the basics of effective programming for the Long and Triple Jump了解跳远和三级跳远有效编程的基础知识Understand how to best prepare an athlete for competition了解如何让运动员为比赛做好最佳准备Error detect and correct错误检测并纠正Build athlete competency using appropriate cues and teaching activities使用适当的提示和教学活动培养运动员能力

训练计划设计,生物力学,教学过程(跳远力学教学过程生物设计) 99链接平台
