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雨夜梧桐 2024-11-02 03:55:39 0


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The Nordex Group has received an order for 105MW from Serbia, marking the company's entry into the market.


正式进入该市场(恩德风电机组合同市场) 99链接平台

The German manufacturer will supply 22 N149/4.X turbines from the Delta4000 series for the Krivaca wind farm.


Hardware will be rated at 4.8MW apiece.


The order also includes a service contract for the turbines covering a period of 25 years.

该风电场由奥地利开发商Ivicom开发,预计在2023年开始试运行,之后将由塞尔维亚MK集团和Slovenian ALFI Green Energy Fund运营。

The wind farm, which is to be commissioned in 2023, was developed by the Austrian developer Ivicom and will be operated by the Serbian MK Group and the Slovenian ALFI Green Energy Fund.

MK集团的执行董事Mihailo Jankovic说道:“作为亚德里亚地区绿色能源的领导者,我们将在此领域进一步做大。

Mihailo Jankovic, chief executive of the MK Group: "As a leader in green energy production in the Adriatic region we are further expanding in this field. Solo and in joint ventures we are developing wind power projects with a total capacity of 800 MW and solar power projects of 660 MW, which means investing EUR 1 billion in the next 5 years."


恩德能源销售主管Patxi Landa进一步补充道:“我们非常高兴通过Krivaca项目向非常有前景的塞尔维亚市场迈出第一步。

Nordex chief sales officer Patxi Landa added: "We are pleased to take this first step into the very promising Serbian market with the Krivaca project.
