China Daily published a bilingual report on Tuesday detailing China's measures to combat the COVID-19 outbreak to provide health workers and officials around the world a reference and glimpse into the country's herculean effort to overcome the epidemic.

The report, \"China's Fight Against COVID-19\", features six chapters with topics ranging from social mobilization to treatment plans. It was compiled in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University and the School of Health Policy and Management at Peking Union Medical College.
Experts said the report can help readers understand the rationale behind many of China's decisions, practices and sacrifices. This will, in turn, help reduce uninformed speculation about China's actions including a city-wide quarantine and revision of death counts.
Zhou Weisheng, a professor with the College of Policy Science at Ritsumeikan University in Japan, said if China had not imposed the lockdown on Wuhan and some other cities, the number of infections might have been 10 times higher.
\"Considering the lack of effective treatment methods for COVID-19, cutting off the source of infection by locking down Wuhan and some other cities as soon as possible was the right measure,\" he said.
Mao Yonghui, a senior kidney doctor at Beijing Hospital who was tasked of treating severe patients in Wuhan, said most doubts can be addressed if foreign politicians and media have a basic understanding of the monumental endeavor the whole nation made to contain the virus.
Chen Jianguo, president of Tongji Medical College in Wuhan, said the key to China's success are strict quarantine, building makeshift hospitals, and unwavering logistical support from the government.
\"Reality has proven that China's methods and systems work,\" he said.
这次疫情的发生再次表明,人类是一个休戚与共的命运共同体。在国务院办公室的支持下,中国日报于上月推出 “抗击新冠病毒的中国方案”英文主题网站,该网站由国家卫生健康委员会、科学技术部、国家药品监督管理局和国家中医药管理局共同指导。上线后,引起舆论高度关注,特别是海外读者对网站分享的科普知识、治疗方案和社会动员举措等中国做法给予了高度评价。
\"China's fight against COVID-19\"full text
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