
目录 Table of Contents
第一部分 合同协议书 Part One Contract Agreement
第二部分 通用合同条款 General Conditions
1. 一般约定 General Provisions
2. 发包人 The employer
3. 承包人 Contractor
4. 监理人 Supervisor
5. 工程质量 Quality of Work
6. 安全文明施工与环境保护
Safety at Work, Orderly Conduct and Environmental Protection
7. 工期和进度 Program and Progress
8. 材料与设备 Material and Plant
9. 试验与检验 Test and Inspection
10. 变更 Amendment and Variation
11. 价格调整 Price Adjustment
12. 合同价格、计量与支付 Contract Price, Measurement and Payment
13. 验收和工程试车 Acceptance and Commissioning
14. 竣工结算 Settlement on Completion
15. 缺陷责任与保修 Defects Liability and Remedy Warrantee
16. 违约 Default
17. 不可抗力 Force Majeure
17.1 不可抗力的确认 Confirmation of Force Majeure
18. 保险 Insurance
19. 索赔 Claims
20. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution
3. 承包人 Contractor
3.1 承包人的一般义务 General Liabilities of Contractor
The contractor should in the course of the performance hereof comply with the laws and the standards / norms respecting to engineering construction in addition to the performance of following obligations:
Effect the procedures for approval and sanction, which should be effected by the contractor under the provision of law and submit the result of procedure to the employer in writing for its deposition on file.
Effect the completion of works pursuant to legal regulations and contract agreement in addition to assume the warranty liabilities within the maintenance period.
Shall pursuant to legal regulations and contract agreement take the measures of construction safety and environment protection, process the work’s injury insurance so as to ensure the safety of engineering and personnel, materials, equipment and facilities.
Shall subject to the work’s contents stipulated in contract and the requirement of engineering progress, prepare the construction organization design and measures plan, take liabilities for the completeness, safety and reliability of all operations and work’s methods.
In the period of carrying out any and all works, should not infringe the employers rights of using with other public roads, water sources, municipal pipelines, etc. and avoid interference to adjacent public facilities. The contractor should assume corresponding liabilities for occupation of others works site and affect others works or life.
Shall liable for the conservations of environment and bionomic at the site and surrounding areas in accordance with Article 6.3 [Environment Conservation].
Take the safety measures of construction, in pursuant to Article 6.1 [Safety Working] hereof, to ensure the safety of works and personnel, materials equipment and facilities and prevent personal injury and damage to property due to construction.
The cost of various items paid by the employer under the provisions hereof should be used for contract works and make payment in time of the salaries of its employees in addition to make payment in time of contract cost to its subcontractors.
Make preparation of completion materials in pursuant to the stipulations of laws and agreements hereof, accomplish the filing and archiving of the completion materials before turning over the same to the employer as the set number, contents and time specified in the particular term and conditions hereof.
(10)应履行的其他义务 Other Liabilities to be Performed
3.2 项目经理 Project Manager
3.2.1 项目经理应为合同当事人所确认的人选,并在专用合同条款中明确项目经理的姓名、职称、注册执业证书编号、联系方式及授权范围等事项,项目经理经承包人授权后代表承包人负责履行合同。项目经理应是承包人正式聘用的员工,承包人应向发包人提交项目经理与承包人之间的劳动合同,以及承包人为项目经理缴纳社会保险的有效证明。承包人不提交上述文件的,项目经理无权履行职责,发包人有权要求更换项目经理,由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期由承包人承担。
Project manager should be the person who is confirmed by the parties thereto and be clearly stipulated in the particular conditions of contract with his name, professional title, number of profession registration certificate, contact means, authorization scope and so on, who, upon authorization of the contractor, may perform the contract on behalf of the contractor. Project manager should the formal employee by the contractor, with whom the contractor should submit the employer with the labor contract and the effective proof of social insurance for project manager. Where failure of the contractors submission of the documents above, project manager has no rights to perform its duties and employer is entitle to require replacement of project manager, the expense and / or delayed work time arising therefrom should be assumed by the contractor.
Project manager should be resident in work site at which the days should not be less the same stipulated in particular conditions of contract, and cannot assume the duty of project manager in other project at same time. When project manager need to leave the site, he should notify the supervisor in advance and obtain the written consent from the employer. The notice of project manager should stipulate the registered professional qualification, management experience and other information of the personnel who is temporarily assume the duties of project manager, who shall have the ability of perform the corresponding duties and liabilities.
The contractor should, in case of violation of above agreement, assume the breach responsibilities pursuant to the stipulations of the particular conditions of contract.
3.2.2 项目经理按合同约定组织工程实施。在紧急情况下为确保施工安全和人员安全,在无法与发包人代表和总监理工程师及时取得联系时,项目经理有权采取必要的措施保证与工程有关的人身、财产和工程的安全,但应在48小时内向发包人代表和总监理工程师提交书面报告。
Project manager shall organize the execution of work pursuant to the stipulations of contract. In case of emergency, project manager is entitle, if unable to connect in time with the employers representative and chief supervisor, to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of personnel, properties and works concerning to the project, nevertheless should, within 48 hours submit the written report thereof to the employers representative and chief supervisor.
3.2.3 承包人需要更换项目经理的,应提前14天书面通知发包人和监理人,并征得发包人书面同意。通知中应当载明继任项目经理的注册执业资格、管理经验等资料,继任项目经理继续履行第3.2.1项约定的职责。未经发包人书面同意,承包人不得擅自更换项目经理。承包人擅自更换项目经理的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。
The contractor should, provided that if need to replace the project manager, submit the advance 14 day’s notice in writing to the employer and the supervisor and obtain the written consent from the employer. The notice should state the registered practice qualification, management experience and other information of the succedent project manager who will continue performance of the duties and liabilities which are provided as in article 3.2.1. The contractor should not replace project manager at will without the employers written consent, otherwise will assume the breach liabilities pursuant to the provisions of particular conditions hereof.
3.2.4 发包人有权书面通知承包人更换其认为不称职的项目经理,通知中应当载明要求更换的理由。承包人应在接到更换通知后14天内向发包人提出书面的改进报告。发包人收到改进报告后仍要求更换的,承包人应在接到第二次更换通知的28天内进行更换,并将新任命的项目经理的注册执业资格、管理经验等资料书面通知发包人。继任项目经理继续履行第3.2.1项约定的职责。承包人无正当理由拒绝更换项目经理的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。
The employer is entitled to require the contractor in written notice to replace the project manager whom is deemed to be incompetent and shall specify in the notice the reasons for replacement. The contractor shall, within 14 days upon receipt of replace notice, provide the employer with improvement report in writing. Where the employer shall, upon receipt of improvement report, still require to replacement, the contractor should effect the replacement within 28 days following receipt of second notification of replacement, and provide the information of newly appointed project managers registered practice qualification, management experience and other to the employer. The succedent project manager will continue performance of the duties and liabilities as set in article 3.2.1. The employer will, if without reasonable excuses to refuse the replacement, assume the breach liability pursuant to the provisions of particular conditions hereof.
3.2.5 项目经理因特殊情况授权其下属人员履行其某项工作职责的,该下属人员应具备履行相应职责的能力,并应提前7天将上述人员的姓名和授权范围书面通知监理人,并征得发包人书面同意。
Provided that if due to certain particular circumstances the project manager will authorize his subordinate staff to perform the duties respecting a work, the staff should have the ability to perform the corresponding duties and project manager should submit a written notification at 7 days in advance on the above person’s name and authorized scope to the supervisor and obtain the written consent of the employer.
3.3 承包人人员 Personnel of The contractor
3.3.1 除专用合同条款另有约定外,承包人应在接到开工通知后7天内,向监理人提交承包人项目管理机构及施工现场人员安排的报告,其内容应包括合同管理、施工、技术、材料、质量、安全、财务等主要施工管理人员名单及其岗位、注册执业资格等,以及各工种技术工人的安排情况,并同时提交主要施工管理人员与承包人之间的劳动关系证明和缴纳社会保险的有效证明。
Unless otherwise stipulated in particular conditions, the contractor should, within 7 days following receipt of commencement notice, submit the arrangement report of the contractors project manage offices and executing workers on site, include inter alia, the name list of main managing staff who engage in contract management, execution, technology, material, quality, safety and finance with their post and registered practice qualification and so on in addition to the arrangement of various types of technical workers, at mean time, submit the certificate of labor relationship between main managers and the contractor, and the effective proof of social insurance premium.
3.3.2 承包人派驻到施工现场的主要施工管理人员应相对稳定。施工过程中如有变动,承包人应及时向监理人提交施工现场人员变动情况的报告。承包人更换主要施工管理人员时,应提前7天书面通知监理人,并征得发包人书面同意。通知中应当载明继任人员的注册执业资格、管理经验等资料。
The main managing personnel who are dispatched by the contractor in the site should be relatively stable and non- frequent replacement. In the event of any change thereof during construction the contractor should submit in time the report of change or replacement of the site personnel. Any replacement of main managing personnel by the contractor should be informed to the supervisor in writing 7days in advance and subject to the writing consent of the employer. In the replace notice, the registration, qualification, management experience and other information of the successor should be stated.
The workers of special type of work should hold the corresponding qualification certificate to which the supervisor have the right to check on at any time.
3.3.3 发包人对于承包人主要施工管理人员的资格或能力有异议的,承包人应提供资料证明被质疑人员有能力完成其岗位工作或不存在发包人所质疑的情形。发包人要求撤换不能按照合同约定履行职责及义务的主要施工管理人员的,承包人应当撤换。承包人无正当理由拒绝撤换的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。
Provided that the employer have objection to the qualification or capacity of main managing personnel of the contractor, the contractor should provide corresponding materials to testify the capacity of the personnel who is queried of completion or without the circumstances which are queried by the employer. The contractor should make the replacement under the requirement of the employer of the main managing personnel who are deemed as unable to perform his duties and liabilities pursuant to contracts agreement. The contractor, where refuse to replace without justifiable reasons, should assume breach responsibility under the stipulations of particular conditions.
3.3.4 除专用合同条款另有约定外,承包人的主要施工管理人员离开施工现场每月累计不超过5天的,应报监理人同意;离开施工现场每月累计超过5天的,应通知监理人,并征得发包人书面同意。主要施工管理人员离开施工现场前应指定一名有经验的人员临时代行其职责,该人员应具备履行相应职责的资格和能力,且应征得监理人或发包人的同意。
Unless otherwise stipulated in particular condition, the contractors main manager leave the site, if no more than accumulative 5 days each month, should report to the supervisor for approval; where leave the site for more than accumulative 5 days each month, should report to the supervisor and acquire the employers permission thereof. The main manager should, prior to leave the site, appoint and designate an experienced personnel to act on his behalf for provisionally excising the duties, the personnel designated should possess the capacity and qualification for performance of corresponding duties and responsibilities in addition to acquire the permission of the supervisor and the employer.
3.3.5 承包人擅自更换主要施工管理人员,或前述人员未经监理人或发包人同意擅自离开施工现场的,应按照专用合同条款约定承担违约责任。
Provided that if the contractor, at its own initiative change or replace the main construction management personnel, or the foregoing personnel leave work site without consent of the supervisor or the employer, should bear the breach responsibility subject to the agreement of particular condition hereof.
3.4 承包人现场查勘 Contractor’s Site Survey
The contractor shall be responsible for his explanation and deduction which are produced on the basis of the basic materials which submitted by the employer in accordance with paragraph 2.4.3 [Provision of Basic Data] hereof, however if basic datas error, omission which lead to the contractors explanation or deduction inaccurate, the responsibility therefrom shall be born by the employer.
The contractor should made the survey on the work site and construction conditions, and become acquainted with the project sites conditions of weather, traffic, social customs and habits in addition to other materials which are relation to the completion of contract project. Provided that if the contractors failure of full survey, comprehension of the foregoing situation or full estimation of the possible consequences which arise out of foregoing situation, the contractor will assume the added cost therefrom and / or delayed term.
3.5 分包 Subcontract
3.5.1 分包的一般约定 General Agreement of Subcontract
The contractor shall not subcontract the contracted entire project to a third party, or make dismemberment of entire project contracted to a third party in the name of subcontract. The main structure, key works and professional works which are prohibited in particular condition of contract to be subcontract shall not be subcontracted to third party by the contractor. The scope of main structure and key works shall be defined by parties hereto in accordance with the regulations of law.
The contractor shall not subcontract the project in the name of labour subcontracting or conduct illegal subcontracting to third party.
3.5.2 分包的确定 Definition of Subcontract
The contractor should, pursuant to the stipulation of particular condition, conduct subcontract and determine the subcontractor. The subcontractor of the professional projects in the priced quantity list or the budget with temporary value should be determined in accordance with paragraph 10.7[Temporary Value Price]. The contractor shall, subject to the agreement of contract, ensure the subcontractor with appropriate qualifications and abilities. Project subcontracting does not mitigate or exempt the contractors responsibilities and liabilities, the contractor and subcontractor will take the joint and several liability of the subcontracted project to the employer. Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the contractor shall, within 7 days after the contract is signed, submit a copy of the subcontract to the employer and the supervisor.
3.5.3 分包管理 Subcontract Management
The contractor should submit the name list of subcontractor’s main managing personnel to the supervisor and conduct the real name system management to subcontractor’s workers including but not limited to the entry site, registration and pass/license of every kind.
3.5.4 分包合同价款 Cost and Price of Subcontract
Unless otherwise stipulated circumstances in the subsection (2) this article and other agreements in particular condition, the settlement of cost and price on subcontracting will be made between the contractor and subcontractor, the employer shall not, without the consent of the contractor, make payment of subcontracting project to subcontractor.
Where the legal documents in effect require the employer to pay subcontractor the price of subcontracting, the employer reserve rights to conduct such amount from the payment due and payable to the contractor.
3.5.5 分包合同权益的转让
Assignment of Rights and Interests on Subcontracting Contract
Where the liability of subcontractor under sub-contract continue to the term after expiration of defects liability period, the employer is entitle, prior to the expiration of defects liability period, require the contractor to transfer its benefit and rights thereof under the sub-contract to the employer and the contractor should do so subject to the requirement of the employer. Unless otherwise stipulated in transfer contract, the liability thereof will be performed by subcontractor to the employer subsequent to effectiveness of transfer contract.
3.6 工程照管与成品、半成品保护
Engineering Care and Protection of Finished Product, Semi- Finished Product
Unless otherwise stipulated by particular condition of contract the contractor should, from and on the day of handing over the construction site to the contractor by the employer, take responsibility of the care of engineering and the materials, equipment therewith until to the day of issuing certificate of engineering receipt.
During the period of the contractor’s care of project, provided that any damage to the project, material and equipment for reasons thereof attributable to the contractor, the contractor should be responsible to repair or replacement and bear added cost arising therefrom or delay term.
The protection responsibility of finished and semi- finished products which are manufactured by installments during the contract period shall, prior to issue of certificate of receipt, be born by the contractor. provided that any damage to finished and semi finished products for reasons thereof attributable to the contractor, the contractor should be responsible to repair or replacement and bear added cost arising therefrom or delay term.
3.7 履约担保 Performance Guarantee
Where the employer require the contractor provide performance guarantee, the manner, amount, term and others of guarantee will be, between parties thereto, agreed in particular condition of contract. Performance guarantee may adopt the forms of bank guarantee or bonding companys guarantee, for which specifications thereof will be agreed in particular condition.
Provided that if the extension of work term for the reasons attributable to the contractor the increased cost for continuing to provide performance guarantee will be assumed by the contractor, provided however if the reasons of work term extension due to non- contractor, the increased cost for continuing to provide performance guarantee will be assumed by the employer.
3.8 联合体Consortium
3.8.1 联合体各方应共同与发包人签订合同协议书。联合体各方应为履行合同向发包人承担连带责任。
The parties of consortium should commonly enter into and conclude contract agreement with the employer and assume the joint and several liabilities to the employer for the performance of contract.
3.8.2 联合体协议经发包人确认后作为合同附件。在履行合同过程中,未经发包人同意,不得修改联合体协议。
Consortium’s agreement will, subject to the employer’s confirmation, deem as appendix to contract and without the employer’s consent during performance, no amendment thereof be allowed.
3.8.3 联合体牵头人负责与发包人和监理人联系,并接受指示,负责组织联合体各成员全面履行合同。
The founder or leader of consortium shall be responsible for contact with the employer and the supervisor, and accept the instruction therefrom, in addition to organize all parties of consortium for full performance of contract.
4. 监理人 Supervisor
4.1监理人的一般规定 General Provision of Supervisor
For project supervision the contents and authorities of supervision of the supervisor should be, between the employer and the contractor, defined in the specific provisions of particular condition hereof. The supervisor should, subject to the employers authorization and legal provision, on behalf of the employer, make checkup, inspection, exam, verify and accept in addition to issue relevant instruction, provided that shall have no authority to amend contract and relieve or exempt the duties and obligations of the contractor which are stipulated in contract.
Unless otherwise specified in the particular condition, the office and live place of the supervisor in work site will be provided by the contractor, the cost and expense thereof will be born by the employer.
4.2监理人员 Supervision Personnel
The power and rights of conducting supervision duties which be granted by the employer to the supervision personnel will be exercised by the supervision personnel on construction site. The supervision personnel include the chief supervision engineer and the other supervision engineers. The supervisor should in advance notify the contractor in writing of the name and authorization scope of the chief supervision engineer and other supervision engineers, provided that replace or change the chief engineer the supervisor should give 7 days prior notice to the contractor and replace or change other supervision personnel, should give notice in writing to the contractor on advance 48 hours.
4.3监理人的指示 Supervisor’s Instruction
The supervisor should issue his supervision instructions pursuant to the employers authorization. The supervisors instruction shall be in writing and accompanied by the signature of the authorized supervisor thereon. In case of emergency, for the purpose of protection of workers safety and avoidance of damage to the works, the supervisor may issue his oral direction which has equal legal force with the same in writing, however provided that the replaced direction in writing should be issued within 24 hours following issue of oral direction and the contents thereof should be consistent with the oral direction.
The instruction given by the supervisor shall be served to the project manager of the contractor or the person authorized by the project manager. The employer shall be liable for the failure of the supervisor pursuant to the agreement of contract to issue the instruction, delay instruction or incorrect instruction, which lead to added cost and or delay in the schedule occurred by the contractor. Unless otherwise specified in the particular condition, the determination power which should be exercised by chief supervise engineer subject to the stipulation of [agreed or determined] in article 4.4 should not be authorized or delegated to other supervisors.
For any doubt or question to the supervisors instruction the contractor should submit a written objection to the supervisor, for which the supervisor should within 48 hours give confirmation, alteration or rescission of the instruction, if failure to do so, the contractor is entitle to refuse implement of the above instruction.
Provided that if the supervisor fail to submit opinions within a reasonable period of time to the contractors any work, engineering or used materials and construction equipment, which deemed to have approved thereto, however, should not discharge or relieve the contractor’s responsibility and obligation related such work, engineering or used materials and construction equipment.
4.4 商定或确定 Agree or Determine
Whenever the parties hereof make any agreement or determination, chief supervision engineer should, in conjunction with contract parties use their best endeavor to reach consistent agreement, if fail to do so, by chief engineer pursuant to contracts stipulations to make carefully the fair determination thereof. Chief supervision engineer shall notify the employer and the contractor in writing of the determination which be accompanied by detailed evidence. The parties to contract, if have no objection, should implement subject to chief engineer; where any objection by a party, shall deal with it in accordance with 20 paragraph [Dispute Settlement]. Prior to the resolution of dispute, the parties shall temporarily implement on chief engineers determination; however after the resolution of dispute, where the resolution result is different with chief engineers determination, will implement by the resolution decision and any loss arising out thereof will be occurred by the responsible person.
5. 工程质量 Engineering / Work Quality
5.1质量要求 Quality Requirement
5.1.1 工程质量标准必须符合现行国家有关工程施工质量验收规范和标准的要求。有关工程质量的特殊标准或要求由合同当事人在专用合同条款中约定。
The quality standards for construction project should meet the requirements of the current State’s norms and standards for construction quality acceptance. The specific standards or requirements for construction quality should be stipulated upon by the parties hereto in particular conditions hereof.
5.1.2 因发包人原因造成工程质量未达到合同约定标准的,由发包人承担由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期,并支付承包人合理的利润。
If the project quality fails to meet the standard which is agreed in contract due to the cause of the employer, the added cost arising therefrom and delayed period shall be undertaken by the employer in addition to payment of the contractors reasonable profit.
5.1.3 因承包人原因造成工程质量未达到合同约定标准的,发包人有权要求承包人返工直至工程质量达到合同约定的标准为止,并由承包人承担由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期。
If the project quality fail to meet the standard stipulated in contract, the employer is entitled to require the contractor rework until the project quality reach the standard stipulated in contract and the increased cost arising therefrom and or delayed period shall be assumed by the contractor.
5.2质量保证措施 Measurements for Quality Guarantee
5.2.1 发包人的质量管理 Quality Management by Employer
The employer should pursuant to law’s stipulation and contract’s agreement perform all and each works relating the project construction.
5.2.2 承包人的质量管理 Quality Management by Contractor
The contractor should, in accordance with the stipulation of article 7.1 [Execution Organization Design], submit the employer and the supervisor with the project quality assurance system and the measure documents, establish the perfect inspection system in addition to submit corresponding project quality file, however the contractor is entitled to refuse to implement the error instruction, which issued by the employer and the supervisor, in violation of legal provisions and contract agreement.
The contractor should carry out the quality education and technical training to workers, assess the working skills of them, strictly perform the construction standards and operation procedures.
The contractor should, in pursuance of legal provisions and the employers requirements, conduct quality inspection and inspection throughout the process on materials, engineering equipment and all parts of construction technology, make the detail records thereof and prepare the engineering quality statement, which submitted to the supervisor for inspection. In addition, the contractor should also pursuant to the legal stipulations and the employers requirements carry out the site sampling test, recheck and re-measurement of engineering, equipment function test and submit the test report, survey results, and other work.
5.2.3 监理人的质量检查和检验 Supervisor’s Quality Inspection and Test
The supervisor should, in accordance with the stipulations of law and the authority of the employer, make inspection and check on all parts of project and their construction techniques, materials and equipment thereof. The contractor shall provide convenience for the inspection and check of the supervisor, including the supervisors access to the construction site, or the place of manufacturing, processing, or other places where the contract is agreed to observe and inspect the original records of the construction. The check and inspection carried out by the supervisor shall not relieve or mitigate the liability of the contractor in accordance with the contractual agreement.
Inspection and testing of the supervisor should not affect or hinder normal construction. Where the supervisors inspection and check affect normal construction, and such inspection and check prove non- qualification of construction, the cost due to the affection by inspection and check will be born by the contractor and project period shall not be extended; however if the construction proved as qualification, the added cost and (or) delayed time will be undertaken by the employer.
5.3 隐蔽工程检查 Inspection of Hidden Works
5.3.1承包人自检 Contractor’s Self Inspection
The contractor should carry out self- inspection of the hidden parts of the project and confirm whether with the covering conditions through self inspection.
5.3.2检查程序 Inspection Procedure
Unless otherwise stipulated by the particular conditions hereof, the contractor should, if the hidden parts of project are confirmed with covering conditions by self inspection, give 48 hours prior notice to the supervisor for joint inspection, in the notice should state the contents, time and place of hidden parts inspection and companied by the record of self inspection and necessary materials of self inspection.
The supervisor should arrive the site on time for carrying out the inspection of hidden works and the techniques, materials and project plant thereof. The contractor can cover the hidden works until the supervisors inspection confirm the quality of the hidden requirements and make signature on the inspection record. The contractor should, in case of confirmation of the unqualified quality by the supervisors inspection, complete the repair within the time as indicated by the supervisor before taking re-examination by the supervisor, the increased cost and the delay in the schedule arising therefrom will be born by the contractor.
Unless otherwise stipulated by the particular condition of contract, in the event failure of making inspection on time by the supervisor, the requirement for postpone in writing should be submitted in 24 hours advance to the contractor, however, not more than 48 hours, and where delayed in schedule arising out thereof, work time may be extended accordingly. Provided that if the supervisor fails to make inspection on time nor to submit the postpone requirement, the hidden work will be deemed as qualified, for which the contractor may complete the cover work by himself and make the corresponding record which be submitted to the supervisor for confirmation by his signature. If any doubt thereon thereafter by the supervisor the re-inspection may be taken subject to the stipulation of Article 5.3.3 [Re-inspection].
5.3.3 重新检查 Re-inspection
Should the employer or the supervisor has doubts about the quality on and after the contractors covering the hidden parts, may require the contractor to drill or discover there to make re-inspection for which the contractor should comply with, make re-covering and reinstatement follow the inspection. Where the quality of the project is proved to meet the requirements of the contract by inspection, the added expenses and / or delayed time, in addition to the contractors reasonable interests, incurred in consequence thereof shall be born by the employer; where the quality does not meet contract’s requirements, the added expenses and / or delayed time shall be born by the contractor.
5.3.4 承包人私自覆盖 Contractor’s Cover without Authorization
In case of covering the engineering hidden parts by the contractor without authorization and giving notice to the supervisor for the site inspection, the supervisor is liberty to instruct the contractor to drill or uncover the hidden part for check and inspection, regardless of project quality be qualify or not, the added costs and / or delayed time shall be assumed by the contractor.
5.4不合格工程的处理 Treatment of Unqualified Engineering
5.4.1 因承包人原因造成工程不合格的,发包人有权随时要求承包人采取补救措施,直至达到合同要求的质量标准,由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期由承包人承担。无法补救的,按照第13.2.4项〔拒绝接收全部或部分工程〕约定执行。
If and provided the engineering is unqualified due to the contractor’s reason the employer has right at any time to require the contractor to take remedial measures until it reach the quality standards which stipulated by contract, the added expenses and / or delayed time arising therefrom shall be on the contractor. Unable to remedy, the agreement of section 13.2.4 [Refuse Taking Over All or Part of Work] will be implemented.
5.4.2 因发包人原因造成工程不合格的,由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期由发包人承担,并支付承包人合理的利润。
Where the project is unqualified due to the reasons of the employer the added expenses and / or delayed time arising out thereof shall be on the employer in addition to the payment of the contractor’s reasonable interests.
5.5 质量争议检测 Inspection on Quality Dispute
In case of any dispute of the project quality between parties, the identification of engineering quality will be made by the engineering quality inspection agency which is agreed and determined by the parties and the expenses and any loss resulting therefrom will be born by the liable party.
Where and if the both parties have the responsibilities, each and every party will bear the liability on the basis of respective responsibility. In case of no consensus between the parties, the dispute will be treated pursuing to the paragraph 4.4 [Consultation and Determination].
6. 安全文明施工与环境保护
Safe and Orderly Construction and Environment Protection
6.1安全文明施工Safe and Orderly Construction
6.1.1安全生产要求 Requirement of the Safe Works
The contract parties should, during the execution of contract, abide by the State and local authority’s requirements of safe works, if, any particular requirement by the party, the object and the corresponding issues which reached by the construction project safety production standardization should be specified in particular condition. The contractor is entitled to refuse any direction from the employer and the supervisor of works against regulations and adventure construction.
During the construction process in case of any emergency matter such as geologic change and unexpected underground construction obstacles and others, the contractor should report the supervisor and the employer without undue delay and the employer should timely give order to stop work in addition to report the related administration to take emergency measures thereon.
Provided that the suspension of work due to safe construction, the performance thereof shall be made pursuant to paragraph 7.8 ( Suspension of Work).
6.1.2 安全生产保证措施 Assurance Measures of Safety Construction
The contractor should, pursuant to the relevant provisions, prepare the measures of safety technology or particular construction schedules, make establishment of systems of safety construction liability, public security and safety work education in addition to effect performance of security duties in accordance with the laws of safety work and contract provisions and prepare the truth records of project safety work, effect acceptance of the inspection and supervision by the employer, the supervisor and the safety supervision of administration authority.
6.1.3特别安全生产事项 Particular Items of Safety Construction
The contractor should pursuant to law’s regulations, make the instruction of safety technology and every measures of safety protection in the process of construction. The personnel working on the particular type of work, which employed by the contractor for the implementation of contract shall be particularly trained and obtain the post certificate issued by the relevant authority.
Where the constructions are effected by the contractor in the workshops of power equipment, transmission lines, underground pipelines and the areas which near traffic street, the contractor should prior to construction, submit to the employer and the supervisor with his safety protection measures and get the employers approval before execution thereof.
Where the blasting operation or works in the environment with radiation and toxic (including storage, transportation and use) and / or construction in which using the toxic and corrosive materials are effected, the contractor should give the employer and the supervisor with 7 days notice before works execution with submission of his safety protection measures, and get the employers approval before execution thereof.
Provided that the construction shcedules of greater risk division, sub-project and particular work are needed to effect preparation thereof and the greater risk division, sub-project which exceed a certain scale of experts argument for the program, the contractor should make the preparation and organ the argument in time.
Need to work out separately the construction plan of greater risk division, sub-project and special project
A division project requiring expert verification that exceeds a certain scale and is more dangerous.
If a large segment of particular project construction program need to be separately prepared or expert’s argument for the program is required, the contractor should make the preparation and organ the argument in time.
6.1.4 治安保卫 Security Guard
Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions hereof, the employer shall consult with the local police department for establishment of security manage agency or joint defense, and to take unified management of security matters in the site, fulfill the guard liability relating to contract project.
The employer and the contractor should also do the security guard work within their own manageing area including the living zone in addition to assist the site security agency or unified defense to make maintenance of social security in construction site.
Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions hereof, the employer and the contractor should within 7 days following the commencement of the project make joint preparation of the plan of security management in the site in addition to the urgent response plan for the emergency security matters. If and provided that in the process of construction any terrorists incidents such as riot and explosion as well as the urgent matter such as mass brawl and fighting with weapon occurs, the employer and the contractor shall immediately report to the local government. The employer and the contractor shall actively assist the relevant official agency to carry out measures to calm situation, prevent matter deterioration and try best to avoid person’s casualties and property losses.
6.1.5 文明施工 Civilized Construction
The contractor should in the period of the project execution take measures to keep the site level and the materials being stacked neatly. The particular requirement issued by the relevant administrative agency at the place of project will be executed in conformity with thereof. The other requirement for civilized construction by parties hereof, if any, may be specified in the particular conditions of contract.
The contractor should prior to the transfer and hand over of the project remove its all construction equipment, excess materials, garbage and temporary works from the site and keep site clean and tidy. The contractor may through the employer’s written consent reserve the necessary material, execution equipment and temporary works in the designed place for the performance of respective obligations during the guarantee period.
6.1.6 安全文明施工费 Payment of Safe and Civilized Works
The payment of safe and civilized works will be for the account of the employer which cannot deduct this part of the fee in any form. Provided that if the change or amendment of the law or the relevant regulations of government, which applied hereby, subsequent to the base date, the increased fee for safe and civilized works will be born by the employer.
The costs arising out of the security measures taken by the contractor other than the contract agreed upon by the employers consent will be for the account of the employer. In case of the measure to avoid the employers loss although without the employer’s consent, the employer will be for the account of the fee of the measure to the extent of the amount to avoid loss. If the measure is to avoid the loss of the contractor which shall bear the cost of the measure.
Unless otherwise specified in the particular conditions the employer shall, within 28 days subsequent to the commencement, make the payment in advance of fee for 50% of total amount of safe and civilized works, and the remainder shall be paid in the same period as the progress payment. Failure of payment by the employer for the fee of safe and civilized works excess to 7 days, the contractor is reserve to give the urge notice requiring payment to the employer which if still fail to make payment, the contractor has right to suspend works and excused in accordance with the provision 16.1.1[The employer’s Breach]hereof. Use of the fees for safe and order construction should be under the principle of a fixed sum is for a fixed purpose and listed separately in the financial accounts for check and review, shall not be used for other purposes, otherwise the employer reserve the right to make correction. If the contractor fails to correct within the time limit, it may be ordered to suspend the construction, and the resulting increase in the cost and / or delay term of the contract shall be born by the contractor.
6.1.7 紧急情况处理 Settlement of Emergency
Where the event endanger the work’s safety during construction or the defect liability period, the supervisor notify the contractor to make the rescue thereof, if, the contractor state no liability or unwilling to execute forthwith, the employer reserve the right to engage others to carry out the rescue. Provided that if the rescue of such kind is the contractors liability, the increased cost in consequence thereof or delayed term will be born by the contractor.
6.1.8 事故处理 Accident Settlement
In case of an accident occur in the course of construction, the contractor should forthwith notice the supervisor who should forthwith notice the employer. The employer and the contractor shall immediately organize personnel and equipment for emergency rescue and repair, to reduce casualties and property losses, to prevent the expansion of the accident, and to protect the scene of the accident. Where it is necessary to move the goods and materials on site, the mark and the written record shall be made and the relevant evidence shall be kept properly. The employer and contractor shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, timely and truthfully report the occurrence of the accident and the emergency measures being taken to the relevant administrative authority.
6.1.9 安全生产责任 Liability for Safety in Construction 发包人的安全责任 Employer’s Liability for Safety
The employer shall be liable to make the compensation for damages arising from the following situations.
Loss of the third party’s property caused by the land occupation of work or any part of work.
The third party’s personal casualty and loss caused by the employer in the work site and the adjacent zone thereof.
Personal injury and property damage caused to the contractor, the supervisor due to the employer’s cause.
Personal injury and property loss to the employer’s staff due the employer itself. 承包人的安全责任 Contractor’s Liability of Safety
Where personal injury and property damage caused to the employer, the supervisor due to the contractor’s cause, within the work site and its adjacent zone, the contractor shall be responsible for the compensation thereof.
6.2 职业健康 Occupation Health
6.2.1 劳动保护Labour Protection
The contractor shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law, arrange the work and rest time of working personnel at the site, ensure them the rest time, and effect payment of reasonable remuneration and expenses. The contractor shall, pursuant to the law’s provision, handle the necessary documents, permits, insurance and registration and others for the personnel employed by contractor for performing contract and supervise and urge its subcontractor to handle the necessary documents, permits, insurance and registration and others for the personnel employed by subcontractor.
The contractor shall, in the light of the law’s provision, protect the safety of the executing workers on site, and to provide the labour protection in addition to pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State’s labour protection, to take effective labour protecting measures for preventing dust, reducing noise, controlling harmful gases and protecting the operation safety with high temperature, cold, high altitude. Where the contractor's employees are injured in the construction, the contractor shall forthwith take effective measures for the rescue and treatment thereof.
The contractor shall in the light of law’s provision arrange the working hours to ensure its employees enjoy the right to rest and leave. Due to the particular necessity of engineering construction occupies the holiday or to lengthen working hours, should not exceed the legal limit, and should give off or pay according to the law.
6.2.2 生活条件 Living Conditions
承包人应为其履行合同所雇用的人员提供必要的膳宿条件和生活环境;承包人应采取有效措施预防传染病,保证施工人员的健康,并定期对施工现场、施工人员生活基地和工程进行防疫和卫生的专业检查和处理, 在远离城镇的施工场地,还应配备必要的伤病防治和急救的医务人员与医疗设施。
The contractor shall provide the necessary accommodation and living conditions to the personnel employed for performance of the contract and shall adopt effective measures to prevent infectious disease so as to ensure worker’s health, and carry out the professional epidemic and hygiene inspection and treatment at regular intervals within work site, living base of workers and engineering in addition to allocation of the necessary medical personnel and facilities for injury prevention and emergency treatment in the work site where away from city and town.
6.3 环境保护 Environment Protection
The contractor shall, in the construction organization design, specify the particular measures for environmental protection. During the performance of the contract, the contractor shall take reasonable measures to protect the construction site environment, to adopt the concrete and practicable preventive measures for the pollutions of atmosphere, water, noise and solid waste, which are maybe arising from the construction process.
The contractor shall bear compensation liabilities for the infringement damage of environmental pollution which due to the contractor’ reasons. Provided that if the suspension of construction due to disputes arising from the above environmental pollution, the added cost and / or delayed term shall be born by the contractor.
7. 工期和进度 Term and Progress
7.1施工组织设计 Construction Organization Design
7.1.1 施工组织设计的内容 Contents of Construction Organization Design
Following contents shall be included in Contents of Construction Organization Design
(1)施工方案;Construction Programme;
(2)施工现场平面布置图;Layout plan of construction site;
(3)施工进度计划和保证措施;Construction progress plan and assurance measures;
(4)劳动力及材料供应计划;Plan of labour and material provision;
(5)施工机械设备的选用;Selection of machinery and equipment for work;
(6)质量保证体系及措施;Quality assurance system and measures;
(7)安全生产、文明施工措施;Measures of safety work and orderly construction;
(8)环境保护、成本控制措施;Measures of environment protection and cost control;
(9)合同当事人约定的其他内容。Other contents agreed by parties hereto.
7.1.2 施工组织设计的提交和修改
Submission and Amendment of Construction Organization Design
Unless otherwise specifically indicated in the particular condition herein, the contractor should within 14 days subsequence to signature hereof, however not later than 7 days prior to the commence day which is stipulated in Article 7.3.2 [Commence Notice], submit the Construction Organization Design to the supervisor which shall transfer the design to the employer. Except otherwise stated in particular condition, the employer and the supervisor shall within 7 days following the receipt of the construction organization design make confirmation or amendment opinion thereof. The contractor should, on the reasonable opinions and requirements of the employer and the supervisor, effect amendment and perfection thereof. Provided that it is necessary to modify the design of the construction organization design according to actual situation of the project, the contractor shall submit to the employer and the supervisor the revised construction organization design.
7.2 施工进度计划 Construction Progress Schedule
7.2.1 施工进度计划的编制 Preparation of Construction Progress Schedule
The contractor should pursuant to the stipulations of Article 7.2 [Construction Organization Design] submit detailed construction schedule which is prepared conforming to the provisions of the State law and general practice of engineering customs and usage and executed subsequent to the employer’s approval. The construction schedule is the basis for controlling the progress of the project, and the employer and the supervisor reserve the right to inspect the progress of the project in accordance with the construction schedule.
7.2.2 施工进度计划的修订 Revision of Construction Progress Schedule
Provided that if the construction progress schedule is inconsistent with the contract’s requirements or the actual progress of construction, the contractor should submit the revised schedule which attached the relevant measures and information to the supervisor whom will transfer to the employer. Unless otherwise specified in the terms of particular condition hereof, the employer and the supervisor shall, within 7 days after receiving the revised construction schedule, complete examination and approval thereof, or provide the amendment opinions thereon. None of the confirmation of the employer and the supervisor on the progress schedule submitted by the contractor shall mitigate or waive the contractor’s any liability or obligation which is assumed by the contractor in accordance with the provisions of law and contract.
7.3 开工 Commencement of Work
7.3.1 开工准备 Commencement Preparation
Unless otherwise specified in the terms of the particular contract, the contractor shall submit to the supervisor the report form of construction commencement in accordance with the term stipulated in sub clause 7.1 [Construction Organization Design]. The report form shall be executed subsequent to the employer’s approval. The report form of commencement should make illustrations of the implementation on the work road, temporary facilities, materials, engineering equipment, construction equipment, construction personnel, etc., which are necessary for construction progress plan, and the schedule of the works progress.
Except otherwise agreement of cnotract, parties hereto should pursuant to the agreement accomplish the preparation of commencement.
7.3.2 开工通知 Commencement Notice
The employer shall, in accordance with the stipulations of law, obtain the necessary permission and approval for the construction of the works. The Commencement Notice issued by the supervisor shall, subject to the employer’s approval and comply with the stipulations of law. The supervisor shall, 7 days prior to the scheduled commencement date and the work term will be calculated from the commencement date which is stated in Commencement Notice.
Unless otherwise specified in the particular condition, where the supervisor fails to issue Commencement Notice due to the employer’ reason, within 90 days from the scheduled commencement date, the contractor reserve the right to raise the requirement of price adjugement or termination of contract. Employer should bear the increased cost and / or delayed term arising therefrom in addition to make payment of reasonable profits to the contractor.
7.4 测量放线Surveying and Setting out
7.4.1 除专用合同条款另有约定外,发包人应在至迟不得晚于第7.3.2项〔开工通知〕载明的开工日期前7天通过监理人向承包人提供测量基准点、基准线和水准点及其书面资料。发包人应对其提供的测量基准点、基准线和水准点及其书面资料的真实性、准确性和完整性负责。
Unless otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should in no later 7days prior to the commence date which stipulated in the provision[Commence Notice]7.3.2 hereof, provide the contractor with datum mark, baseline and leveling points and the written materials thereof. The employer shall be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the datum mark, baselines and level points as well as their written materials thereof which are provided by the employer.
Where the contractor finds any errors or omissions in the datum mark, baselines and level points in addition to the written materials provided by the employer, the contractor shall promptly notify the supervisor. The supervisor shall promptly report to the employer and joint with the employer and the contractor to verify. The employer shall make a decision on how to handle and / or if continue the construction, and notify the supervisor and the contractor.
7.4.2 承包人负责施工过程中的全部施工测量放线工作,并配置具有相应资质的人员、合格的仪器、设备和其他物品。承包人应矫正工程的位置、标高、尺寸或准线中出现的任何差错,并对工程各部分的定位负责。
The contractor shall be responsible for all surveying and setting out during construction, and for the disposition of qualified personnel, qualified instruments, equipment and other articles. The contractor shall correct the location of the project, elevation, any error in size or alignment, and liable for the positioning of each part of the project.
In the course of construction, the contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the marks for the measurement of the level points in the construction site.
7.5 工期延误 Term Delay
7.5.1 因发包人原因导致工期延误 Term Delay Due to Employer’s Reason
In the period of contract performance, the term delay and / or increased cost due to following circumstances, the delayed term and / or increased cost, in addition to the payment of the contractor’s reasonable profit, shall be born by the employer:
The employer fails to furnish the drawings pursuant to the contract agreement or the provided drawings being not in conformity with the contract agreement;
The employer fails to provide, as stipulated in the contract, the site and conditions for construction, basic data, permit, approval and other construction conditions;
The errors or omits are found in the basic point, basic line and bench mark or other written materials which provided by the employer;
The employer fails to agree to issue commencement notice within 7 days from the date of the scheduled commencement date.
Failure of payments, made by the employer, of the advance payment of the project, the progress payment or the final settlement payment according to the agreed date;
The supervisor fails to issue instructions, approval and other documents under the contract agreement;
Other matters agreed in the particular conditions.
Where failure of commencement as schedule due to the employer’s reason, the employer should postpone the completion date according to the actual commencement date, to ensure actual term not less the total calendar days of term which stipulated by contract. Provided that term delay due to the employer’s reason and need to revise the work schedule, the Article 7.2.2〔Amendment of Work Schedule〕will be applicable.
7.5.2 因承包人原因导致工期延误
Work Term Delay Due to Contractor’s Reason
Provided that the delay of work term due to the contractor’s reason, the method of calculating the liquidated damages for the overdue completion and the maximum of the damages sum for completion may be stipulated in the particular condition hereof. The contractor shall not, subsequent to the payment of overdue liquidated damages, be discharged or released from the obligation to continue the works and to repair the defects.
7.6 不利物质条件 Adverse Physical Conditions
Adverse physical conditions refers to the unforeseen natural conditions, non- natural substance obstacles and contaminants,which are encountered by the experienced contractor in the construction site, include, inter alia, the material conditions and hydrological conditions underground and other circumstances which are stipulated in the particular condition, however not include climate conditions.
Provided that the contractor encounters adverse physical conditions, the contractor shall take reasonable measures to overcome the unfavorable physical conditions and continue construction, in addition to notify the employer and the supervisor in time. Notify issued by the contractor should make clear statement of the contents of adverse physical condition and the unforeseen reason by the contractor. The supervisor should, with the employer’s consent, issue an instruction in time, where such instruction constitutes a modification, which will be executed under the stipulations of article 10 [modification] hereof. The added fees and / or delayed work term arising out of or in consequence of the reasonable measures taken by the contractor will be born by the employer.
7.7 异常恶劣的气候条件Abnormally Abominable Weather Condition
Abnormally abominable weather condition shall refer to the abnormal weather which is encountered in the period of work, unforeseen by the experienced contractor at the time of signing the contract and has created a substantial impact on the performance, however, without constitution of force majeure. The specific circumstances of adverse weather condition may be stipulated by parties hereto in the particular conditions hereof.
The contractor shall take reasonable measures to overcome the adverse weather conditions, continue construction, and notify the employer and the supervisor in time. The supervisor should, upon the consent of the employer, issue instruction, where the instruction constitute an amendment, will execute pursuant to Article 10〔Amendment〕hereof. The added expenses and / or delayed work term due to the contractor’s reasonable measures shall be born by the employer.
7.8 暂停施工 Suspension of Work
7.8.1发包人原因引起的暂停施工 Suspension due to Employer’s Reason
Where the suspension due to the employer’s reason, the supervisor should, subject to the consent of the employer, issue the instruction of suspension without undue delay. If the case is urgent and the supervisor fails to issue the instruction for suspension, may process pursuant to Article 7.8.4 [Suspension of Construction Under Emergency]. Where the suspension due to the employer’s reason, the added expenses and / or delayed term arising therefrom, in addition to the contractor’s reasonable profit, will be born by the employer.
7.8.2 承包人原因引起的暂停施工 Suspension due to Contractor’s reason
Where the suspension due to the contractor’s reason, the added expenses and / or delayed term arising therefrom will be born by the contractor, and if, failure of work resumption by the contractor within 84 days upon receipt of the supervisor’s instruction for resumption of work shall be deemed as the circumstances of the contractor’s failing continue to perform the contract, which is stipulated in Article 16.2.1(7)[Circumstances of Contractor’s Breach].
7.8.3 指示暂停施工 Suspension of Work Under Instruction
Provided that the supervisor deem, in his opinion, it necessary and upon approval by the employer, may make an instruction to the contractor for suspension of construction, and the contractor shall suspend construction as the supervisor’s instruction.
7.8.4 紧急情况下的暂停施工 Suspension Under Emergency
In case of the suspension due to emergency and the supervisor fails to issue the suspension instruction in time, the contractor may suspend the construction for the first time and notify the supervisor in time. The supervisor should issue instruction within 24 hours upon receipt of notice, where fails to issue instruction overdue, will be deemed as approval of the contractor’s suspension. Provided that the supervisor withhold consent of the contractor’s suspension, shall explain the reasons thereof, where the contractor has objection to the supervisor’s reply, shall deal with pursuant to Article 20 [Dispute Resolution].
7.8.5 暂停施工后的复工Resumption of Work After Suspension
The employer and the contractor should, subsequent to suspension of construction, take effective measures to eliminate the affect of suspension. The supervisor shall, prior to resumption, join with the employer and the contractor to confirm the loss due to suspension and determine the conditions of resumption. Where the project being to the satisfaction of resumption, the supervisor should, with the approval of the employer, issue the notice of resumption to the contractor who should effect the resumption of construction under the requirements of resumption notice.
Provided that if the contractor delays and refuses to effect resumption of work without due reason, the increased expense and delayed term will be born by the contractor; however if the failure of resumption due to the employer’s reason, will be processed under the stipulation of Article 7.5.1[Term delay due to The employer’s Reason ].
7.8.6 暂停施工持续56天以上Suspension Construction Lasts More Than 56 Days
Provided that if the supervisor fails to issue the notice of resumption within 56 days subsequent to issuance of suspension instruction, the contractor may submit a written notice to the employer for requirement for permission by the employer, within 28 days from receipt of the written notice, to continue the part or all suspended construction, however except such suspension fall within the circumstances which stipulated in Article 7.8.2 [Suspension due to Contractor] and Article 17 [Force Majeure]. Where the employer fails to approve overdue, the contractor may notify the employer that affected part of project will be deemed to be cancelled under subsection (2) of Article 10.1 [Amendment Contents].
Where suspension continue more than 84 days and fail to effect resumption, which not fall within the circumstances under Article 7.8.2 [Suspension due to Contractor] and Article 17 [ Force Majeure], and has affected the whole project and the achievement of contract purpose, the contractor reserve the right to provide the requirement of price adjustment, or cancellation of contract. Where cancellation of contract, will execute under Article 16.1.3 [Cancellation due to Employer’s Breach].
7.8.7 暂停施工期间的工程照管 Care of Works During Suspension
The contractor should, in the period of suspension of works, be responsible for taking care of the works and providing safety protection, and added expenses arising therefrom will be born by the responsible party.
7.8.8 暂停施工的措施 Measures of Work’s Suspension
The employer and the contractor shall, in the period of suspension, take necessary measures to ensure the quality and safety of works, and prevent increasing losses due to the work’s suspension.
7.9提前竣工 Early Completion
7.9.1 发包人要求承包人提前竣工的,发包人应通过监理人向承包人下达提前竣工指示,承包人应向发包人和监理人提交提前竣工建议书,提前竣工建议书应包括实施的方案、缩短的时间、增加的合同价格等内容。发包人接受该提前竣工建议书的,监理人应与发包人和承包人协商采取加快工程进度的措施,并修订施工进度计划,由此增加的费用由发包人承担。承包人认为提前竣工指示无法执行的,应向监理人和发包人提出书面异议,发包人和监理人应在收到异议后7天内予以答复。任何情况下,发包人不得压缩合理工期。
Where the employer require the contractor to make early completion ahead of schedule, the employer should through the supervisor issue the instruction of early completion and the contractor shall submit a proposal on the early completion to the employer and the supervisor, the proposal of early completion should include, inter alia, the implementation scheme, the shorten time, the increased contract price, and other. In case of acceptance by the employer of the proposal for early completion, the supervisor should join with the employer and the contractor to consult on the measures to accelerate the work progress and make revision of work’s schedule, thereby increasing costs will be born by the employer. Where the contractor is of opinion that the instruction of early completion cannot be executed, should submit his objection to the employer and the supervisor, and the employer and the supervisor should reply within 7 days as of receipt of the objection. In no event shall the employer cut down the reasonable work term.
7.9.2 发包人要求承包人提前竣工,或承包人提出提前竣工的建议能够给发包人带来效益的,合同当事人可以在专用合同条款中约定提前竣工的奖励。
Provided that the employer require the contractor to make early completion, or the proposal of early completion which is submitted by the contractor may bring benefits to the employer, the parties hereto can stipulate the reward for early completion of the project in the particular condition.
8. 材料与设备 Material and Equipment
8.1发包人供应材料与工程设备 Material and Equipment Supplied by Employer
Where the employer itself supply materials and engineering equipment, should, at the time of entering into contract, in the annex “ List of Materials and Equipment Supplied by Employer” of particular condition, make stipulation of varieties, specifications, types, quantity, price and quality grade concerning the materials and engineering equipment, and delivery location.
The contractor should, through the supervisor, on 30days prior written notice to the employer with the supply of materials and engineering equipment will enter into the work site. The contractor revise the progress schedule pursuant to Article 7.2.2 [Revision of Construction Schedule], and at same time submit the revised supply plan of materials and equipment which are supplied by the employer.