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UCL是伦敦的第一所大学 ,以其多元的学科设置著称,于REF 2014 英国大学官方排名中 ,位列全英之冠,享有最多的科研经费。

UCL的医学、解剖学和生理学、建筑学、教育学、考古学、计算机科学 、计算金融学等学科排名均位居世界前列,与LSE并称为“英国现代经济学研究的双子星”;其人文学院颁发的奥威尔奖则是政治写作界的最高荣誉。

UCL的校友中,有33位诺贝尔奖、3位菲尔兹奖得主等各行业翘楚,其中包括文学巨匠泰戈尔,印度国父圣雄甘地,日本第一任首相伊藤博文,“光纤之父”高锟 ,“电话之父”亚历山大·贝尔 ,“核化学之父”奥托·哈恩,著名导演克里斯托弗·诺兰,DNA发现者弗朗西斯·克里克,建筑电讯派核心彼得·库克,固体物理学奠基人布拉格,DeepMind的创始人戴密斯·哈萨比斯,彭罗斯阶梯创立者罗杰·彭罗斯等。

G5超级精英大学UCL管理专业本科录取要求及专业档案(录取专业大学专业本科精英) 排名链接

2021~22年度,UCL位居QS世界大学排名第8 ,U.S. News世界大学排名第16 ,泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第16 ,软科世界大学学术排名第17。

1. Fact File 专业档案

UCAS Code/UCAS 编码 :

- N990(MSci 4 years 四年制,本硕连读)

- N991 (Bsc 3 years 四年制,本科)

Course Duration 学制:3 years (4 years for MSci),本科 3 年,本硕连读 4 年

Entry Requirements/录取要求:

- A Levels: AAA (Mathematics required 必修数学)

- IB: 38

Language Requirements 语言要求:

- IELTS 雅思:总分 7.5 分,小分不低于 6.5 分

- TOEFL 托福:总分 109 分,阅读和写作 24,口语和听力 20 分

Admissions Statistics 录取数据(基于 19/20 年数据) :

- Offer rate:22%

- Applications 申请人数:1,301

- Offers 数量:286

- Acceptances 最终录取人数:70

Career 职业发展:


Tuition Fees 学费: ~28 万/年 (不含生活费)

2. Overview 专业概览

The world’s leading companies need people who can operate in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments; people who can analyse problems using quantitative tools and qualitative methods, take decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk, and deliver results through people.

The Management Science BSc/MSci programme provides a rigorous, practical foundation in these critical skills.

世界领先的公司需要能够在复杂的,创新密集的,数据驱动的环境中运营的人员; 能够使用定量工具和定性方法分析问题,面对不确定性和风险做出决策并通过人交付结果的人员。

UCL 的管理科学 BSc 本科 / MSci 本硕计划为这些关键技能提供了严格的实践基础。

UCL’s Management Science BSc/MSci programme launched in September 2014.

Unlike any other undergraduate degree in the UK, the programme provides exceptional individuals with a high performance, high trust environment that develops both deep technological skills and advanced social and emotional skills.

UCL 的管理科学 BSc / MSci 专业于 2014 年 9 月启动。


The UCL School of Management is a different kind of business school.

It is focused on technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and analytics, and how they are changing management practice in the world’s best organisations.

UCL 管理学院是一种与众不同的商学院。


The Management Science programme includes 12 intense Scenario Weeks during which you will work in teams to address complex interdisciplinary management problems.

管理科学专业包括 12 个激烈的情景周(Scenario Weeks),在此期间您将以团队合作的方式解决复杂的跨学科管理问题。

The Management Science programme will provide you with an opportunity to develop strong quantitative and analytical skills, an in-depth understanding of how companies work, and a rigorous foundation in the key skills needed to build successful careers with a global business tackling world-scale problems.


You will also benefit from being part of UCL Engineering, UCL’s Faculty of Engineering Sciences, and take an Engineering Sciences Minor in Years 2 and 3.

This provides an opportunity to work with students from other departments and develop knowledge and skills in a specific technology or application area.

You will also have the option to study a modern foreign language as your Minor.

您还将受益于成为 UCL 工程学院的一员,并在 2 年级和 3 年级学习工程科学辅修课程。



On graduation, you will have strong leadership and communication skills and the ability to work flexibly, creatively and internationally in a range of areas, including high-growth companies, management consulting firms and the finance sector.


UCL’s Management Science programmes provide students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of management science and how it can be applied in practice.

Students will develop a critical appreciation of the relevant principles of mathematics, engineering and science and how they can be applied in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments.

UCL 的管理科学专业为学生提供了对管理科学以及如何将其应用于实践的深入知识和理解。


Management Science BSc 管理学本科(三年制)

In Year 1, you will take eight modules that will provide you with a rigorous foundation in key concepts and tools that underpin the practice of management.

In The Art and Science of Management, you will learn how organisations create, deliver and capture value, and explore the range of interdisciplinary problems faced by managers operating in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments.

You will take two mathematics modules on, covering calculus, dynamic modelling and linear algebra, and two modules on Business Economics.

You will take a module on Critical Analytical Thinking, designed to provide you with the concepts and tools required to analyse complex issues and develop powerful, well-grounded arguments, and your first module on Data Analytics.

You will also take a module on Behavioural Science, which will introduce you to the key concepts and principles underlying the systematic investigation and analysis of human behaviour.

在大一,您将学习 8 个课程模块,这些模块将会为支持管理实践的关键概念和工具提供坚实的基础。

- 在《管理的艺术与科学》课程模块中,您将学习组织如何创造,交付和获取价值,并探索在复杂、创新密集、数据驱动的环境中工作的管理人员所面临的跨学科问题。

- 2 个数学模块,包括微积分,动态建模和线性代数

- 2 个商业经济学模块

- 1 个关于批判性分析思维的模块,该模块旨在为您提供分析复杂问题和有力的,有充分根据的论点所需的概念和工具

- 1 个数据分析模块

- 1 个有关行为科学的模块,该模块将向您介绍人类行为的系统研究和分析所基于的关键概念和原理

Each term, you will also undertake two Scenario Weeks. During a Scenario Week you will be given a real interdisciplinary management problem that you will work on in teams.

Your objective is to develop a practical solution using whatever knowledge and tools you need. The Scenario Weeks will be challenging. But so is business.



In Year 2, you will take core modules on Strategy, Operations Management and Finance to broaden your understanding of how companies work.

You will take additional modules on Mathematics, Data Analytics and Computational Thinking to further to develop your quantitative skills, and a module on Design.

You will also select and start your Engineering Sciences Minor.


您将选修有关数学,数据分析和计算思维的其他模块,以进一步发展您的定量技能,并选修 1 门设计模块。


In Year 3, you will take additional core modules on Marketing Science and Decision Science and a second Finance module. You will also take a module on Delivering Results Through People.

You will also finish the Engineering Sciences Minor you started in Year 2 and complete your dissertation.


您还将完成从 2 年级开始的工程科学辅修课程,并完成论文。

Management Science MSci 管理学本硕(四年制)

The four-year programme offers students an extra year over the Management Science BSc to extend their knowledge and skills in specialist areas.

In Year 4, students take core courses in International Strategy, Technology and Digital Strategy, Leadership and Communication, and Organisational Behaviour.

Students also complete a Management Science Concentration and a Group Consultancy Project.




Minors and Concentrations 辅修和专攻

Students take an Engineering Sciences Minor in Years 2 and 3. This consists of three integrated courses – one taken in Year 2 and two taken in Year 3.

The Minor provides an opportunity to work with students from other departments and develop knowledge and skills in a specific technology or application area.

You also have the option to study a modern foreign language as your Minor.




Students on the MSci programme also select a Management Science Concentration.

This consists of two integrated modules and provides you with an opportunity to extend your knowledge and skills in a specialist area such as:

攻读 MSci 计划的学生还可以选择管理科学专攻方向。


- Business Analytics 商业分析

- Finance 金 融

- Marketing and Analytics 市场营销和分析

- Operations and Technology 运营和技术

- Organisations and Innovation 组织和创新

- Strategy and Entrepreneurship 战略和创业

Dissertation and Group Consultancy Project 论文和小组咨询项目

The dissertation (completed in Year 3) provides an opportunity to work in-depth on a business issue that interests you and showcase the knowledge and skills you have gained.

It should demonstrate your ability to collect and synthesize information and show your ability to use that information critically to present original conclusions, insights and arguments. The dissertation should be about 12,000 words in length, excluding appendices.


论文长度约为12,000 个字,不包括附录。

The Group Consultancy Project (completed in Year 4 – MSci only) provides an opportunity to work as part of a small team tackling an important business issue facing an external organisation.

小组咨询项目(仅在大四(仅 MSci 本硕项目)中完成)提供了一个机会,可以作为一个小团队的一部分来解决外部组织面临的重要业务问题。

4. Admissions Requirements 录取要求

Academic requirements 学术要求

A Levels

- Grades 成绩:AAA

- Subjects 学科:Mathematics required. 必修数学


- Points 成绩:38

- Subjects 学科:A score of 18 points in three higher level subjects including 6 in Higher Level Mathematics with no score lower than 5.

三门 HL 科目总分 18 分,包括 HL 数学 7 分,并且所有科目不低于 5 分。

Language requirements 语言要求


- Grades 成绩:总分 7.5 分,小分不低于 6.5 分


- Grades 成绩:总分 109 分,阅读和写作 24,口语和听力 20 分

Your Application 您的申请

Your application will be assessed on the basis of past and projected academic performance and your personal statement.


You should provide evidence that the majority of the following qualities are applicable to you: 您应提供证据证明以下大多数素质适用于您:

- Strong mathematical/quantitative skills 较强的数学/定量能力

- Interested in people, what motivates them and how they behave 对人感兴趣,是什么激励着他们,以及他们的行为方式

- Able to think critically and creatively and present your views coherently 能够进行批判性和创造性思考,并连贯表达您的观点

- Excited by technology, innovation and entrepreneurship 对技术,创新和企业家精神感到兴奋

- Interested in business and in wider societal, cultural and global issues 对商业以及更广泛的社会,文化和全球问题感兴趣

- Able to work with other people, including people from different backgrounds and cultures 能够与其他人一起工作,包括来自不同背景和文化的人

- Prepared to undertake a rigorous and intellectually demanding academic programme 准备好进行严格的和智力要求高的学术课程

5. Careers 职业发展

Our portfolio of careers support for Management Science students includes: 我们为管理科学专业的学生提供的职业支持包括:

- Individual career coaching sessions with a Careers Consultant dedicated to the Management Science programme


- Skill development sessions including writing CVs, applications, interview tips and planning your job search


- An Internships and Vacancies Officer who will support you in sourcing internships and other work experience opportunities


- Exclusive industry insight sessions and employer-led events accessible only by UCL School of Management students to inform your career choices

独享行业见解会议和由雇主主导的活动,只有 UCL 管理学院的学生才能访问,以为您的职业选择提供信息

- Access to UCL School of Management alumni keen to support you with your career 接触热衷于为您的职业生涯提供支持的 UCL 管理学院校友

For further information on the Careers provision for UCL School of Management, please see our Careers page.

有关 UCL 管理学院的职业规定的更多信息,请参见我们的职业页面。

Students can gain experience in a variety of sectors such as Banking, Finance, Management Consulting, Technology and Start-Ups. Previous students have undertaken internships at a range of companies, large and small, both in the UK and overseas.


Graduates from the Management Science programme work at some of the world’s leading companies, including top management consulting firms, global investment banks, and cutting-edge technology companies.


UCL is consistently ranked as one of the world’s very best universities and employers are keen to meet our students to discuss the opportunities they offer.

In addition to the bespoke activities within the School of Management, you also have access to the central UCL Careers provision.

Every year over 1000 employers/organisations attend events arranged by UCL Careers, including careers fairs, employer presentations and sector ‘themed weeks’, which may include employer forums, networking events, talks on how to get into the sector and one-to-one advice sessions.


除了管理学院内的定制活动外,您还可以访问 UCL 中心职业条款。

每年有超过 1000 个雇主/组织参加 UCL 职业协会安排的活动,包括职业展览,雇主介绍和部门“主题周”,其中可能包括雇主论坛,社交活动, 关于如何进入该部门的讨论以及一对一的讨论建议会议。

6. Fees and Funding 学费和奖学金

Tuition Fees 学 费

The fees indicated are for undergraduate entry in the 2021/22 academic year. The Overseas fees shown are the fees that will be charged to 2021/22 entrants for each year of study on the programme, unless otherwise indicated below.

Fees for the 2022/23 academic year will be advertised as soon as they are available.

所示费用为 2021/22 学年的本科入学费用,是该课程学习的每年将向 2021/22 入学学生收取的费用,除非以下另有说明。
2022/23 学年的费用将在确定后立即公布。

l Overseas students 国际生:£31,200 (2021/22),约合 28 万人民币。

Additional Costs&Living Expenses 额外费用和生活费

A guide including rough estimates for these and other living expenses is included on the UCL Fees and funding pages. If you are concerned by potential additional costs for books, equipment, etc., please get in touch with the relevant departmental contact (details given on this page).

UCL 费用和资金页面上包含一份指南,其中包括对这些和其他生活费用的粗略估算。
如果您担心书籍, 设备等可能产生的额外费用,请与相关部门联系(此页上提供了详细信息)。

Funding & Scholarships 奖学金

Various funding options are available, including student loans, scholarships and bursaries. UK students whose household income falls below a certain level may also be eligible for a

non-repayable bursary or for certain scholarships. Please see the Fees and funding pages for more details.


The Scholarships and Funding website lists scholarships and funding schemes available to UCL students. These may be open to all students, or restricted to specific nationalities, regions or academic department.

奖学金和资助网站列出了可供 UCL 学生使用的奖学金和资助计划。

