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计量仪表销售合同条件(中英文对照)(卖方买方合同条件文件) 99链接平台

中英文1.1万字,word 文档。



1. Definition 定义

2. Scope 适用范围

3. Quotation, Order and Sales Contract 报价、订单及销售合同

4. Price 价格

5. Payment 付款

6. Product Test, Acceptance, Notice and Testing Expenses


7. Installation 安装

8. Way of Transportation and Freight 运输方式及费用负担

9. Delivery 交付

10. Transfer of the Title of the Products and the Risk 所有权和风险转移

11. Warranty and Liability 质保期和责任

12. Breach of Contract 违约责任

13. Force Majeure 不可抗力

14. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights 保密和知识产权

15. Termination 法律关系终止

16. Dispute Settlement 纠纷解决

17. Miscellaneous 其它事项


14. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights 保密和知识产权

14.1 Seller reserves all the intellectual property rights that are provided by Seller to Buyer and/or known by Buyer from other Buyers of Seller regarding Seller’s business and products, including but not limited to the information and documents in which contains drawings, product introductions, specifications, computer programs, business plans, know-hows, internal information, business secretes and any other Seller’s activities, which is legally protected by the laws of both China and international society.


Buyer shall employ sufficient protection measures to prevent any third party or irrelevant staff from approaching without prior written approval of Seller to the above mentioned information and documents.


14.2 Buyer shall use the information and documents mentioned above only for the intended purpose of performing his duties and obligations; and without the prior written approval of Seller, shall Buyer not use them for any other purpose. The disclosure of such information and documents to any third party is subject to the prior written consent of Seller, as well as the prior conclusion of a written confidentiality agreement with the respective third party.


14.3 Buyer shall disclose and restrict the information and documents mentioned above only to his employees who are necessary to know for the purpose of performing their duties in relation to the scheduled sales plan.


14.4 In case of termination of Order, the confidential clause shall remain in force for a period of one year from Buyer receives the last piece of information and documents. All documents and their copies which hand over by Seller have to be returned to Sellerwithout delay or to be destroyed under the supervision of Seller. Buyer is not entitled to reserve any information and documents by itself.

如合同终止,则本条所约定的保密条款在买方最后一次收到卖方信息和文件之日起的 1 年内仍然有效。

14.5 Buyer shall not conduct reverse project to research, rebuild or change the Products. Seller shall enjoy the same intellectual property rights with Buyer related to any product change and improvement, and Seller has the priority to apply for the patent.


14.6 Buyer is neither entitled to remove the logos, remarks, labels or other marks affixed to the Products, nor to affix additional labels to the Products without a prior express written approval of Seller.


15. Termination 法律关系终止

15.1 Either Party may terminate legal relation based on Sales Contract immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) materially breach of the General Terms and the Contract by the other Party and the breaching Party does not rectify within 90 days after receiving breach notice or in any time limit agreed by both Parties; or 2) bankruptcy or insolvency of the other Party. In case Buyer fails to make advance payment as agreed within 90 days after the date of Sales Contract, Seller shall be entitled to terminate the contractual relation immediately.

基于以下事件的发生,任何一方可以立即终止合同:1 ) 另一方严重违反一般条件及销售合同约定的权利与义务,并且违约方在收到违约通知后的 90 天或双方约定的期限内未加以纠正;或 2) 另一方破产或资不抵债。
此外,如果买方在销售合同签订之日起90 天内仍未支付合同约定的预付款,则卖方有权立即终止合同。

15.2 If the contractual relation is terminated by Seller in accordance with Article 16.1, Seller is entitled to reasonable reimbursement for any labor, material or other expenses incurred in connection with Sale Contract. Seller reserves further rights including the rights to claim damages hereunder.

如果卖方基于上述 15.1 条的规定终止合同的,卖方有权要求买方赔偿卖方为履行合同已投入的人员费用,材料和其他开支,卖方保留包括要求赔偿损失在内的其他权利。

16. Dispute Settlement 纠纷解决

Any dispute arising between the parties in relation to transactions shall be resolved through amicable consultation. If no agreement can be reached after the consultation, either party has the right to submit the dispute to Jinan Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Jinan. The arbitral proceedings shall be held in Jinan. The language of the arbitration shall be in Chinese.


17. Miscellaneous 其它事项

17.1 The validity, interpretation and implementation of the General Terms shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


17.2 The General Terms are executed in both Chinese and English languages. The two versions are equally binding. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version prevails.


17.3 Should an individual provision of the General Terms be or become invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected. An invalid provision shall be deemed to be replaced by such provision that is valid and comes closest to what the parties had in mind when they agreed upon the invalid provision.


17.4 The Appendices of the General Terms constitute the integral part of the General Terms and is equally valid with the context of the General Terms.


17.5 Seller reserves the rights to amend the General Terms and Conditions at any time.


17.6The General Terms is valid since the both parties sign and stamp on the Sales Contract and is part of the Sales Contract.


Appendix 1: Corporate Rules 附件 1 :公司守则

General Business Principles of the Corporate Group


Preliminary remark

Diehl carries out its business activities both in agreement with the laws and regulations of public authorities in the countries where

its employees work and in accordance with the principles described here; all employees on all hierarchical levels are to comply with them without exception. Unfair or even illegal practices are not compatible with our business principles.


1. Proper business practices 依法开展业务

Diehl bases all business activities on the principles of integrity and fairness. All business documents must be in accordance with both national laws and Diehl’s own guidelines. No assets are permitted which are not recorded on the company’s books.

所有业务资料必须符合法律以及 公司的企业方针。

1.1 Bribery / corruption 行贿 / 受贿

Diehl forbids every kind of bribery. No employee may offer, provide, or accept bribes. Bribery is a criminal offense; this includes bribery in business transactions as well as bribery of any holder of office. As a consequence, every direct or indirect offer, promise, provision, or acceptance of inappropriate benefits, whether material or of any other kind, for the purpose of acquiring orders or procuring unlawful advantages is forbidden to all employees.


1.2 Competition / prohibition of cartels 竞争 / 禁止卡特尔

All employees must comply with legal regulations governing antitrust laws and business competition in each case.In particular, employees may not enter into or propose any agreement whatever as follows:


With competitors regarding the provision of goods or services to third parties;


With customers regarding prices or conditions of supply under which the customer will resell Diehl products or services to third parties.

与客户商定将 Diehl 产品或服务转售给第三方的价格或供货条款。

1.3 Business relations 业务关系

Relationships with other companies and between employees and its business partners, suppliers, customers, and with governmental offices and their personnel must be characterized by transparency, especially in the areas of purchasing and sales. This also applies to relationships with former employees and in particular to family members of employees who supply our corporate group directly or indirectly with goods or services.


