
With the continuous development of network technology and the gradual improvement of people's economic level, computer has now become an indispensable part of people's life, convenient management for movie booking, based on java technology design and implementation of a simple, portable management system. This system solves the main problems in the movie booking business, including personal center, user management, information type management, information information management, film type management, film information management, system management, order management and other functions.
This system uses java language springboot framework, data is stored by MySQL database. Combined with B/S structure for development and design, powerful, user-friendly operation. This system has good usability and security, the system has complete functions, can meet the relevant work of movie booking.
Key words: Movie booking; java technology; springboot framework; MySQL;
目 录
1 绪 论 3
1.1研究背景和意义 3
1.2拟解决的问题及特性 3
1.3论文的结构 3
2 相关技术简介及部署环境说明 5
2.1 Java语言 5
2.2 SpringBoot框架 5
2.3 MySQL简介 6
2.4 B/S结构 6
2.5 系统的开发环境 6
2.6 小结 7
3 系统分析 8
3.1系统的可行性分析 8
3.2系统需求分析 8
3.3开发目标 9
3.4系统用例分析 9
3.5系统流程设计 10
3.5.1 用户登录流程 10
3.5.2 系统操作流程 11
3.6小结 12
4 系统总体设计 13
4.1系统功能结构设计图 13
4.2 数据库设计与实现 13
4.2.1 概念模型设计 14
4.2.2 系统数据表设计 16
4.3小结 23
5 系统详细设计与实现 24
5.1系统功能实现 24
5.2管理员模块实现 26
5.3小结 30
6 系统测试 31
6.1软件测试的定义 31
6.2测试方法 31
6.3测试过程 31
6.4测试结果 32
6.5小结 32
结 论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35