
The rapid development of information technology has had a great impact on people's food, clothing, housing and transportation. More and more people are used to and rely on information technology and intelligent forms to deal with all kinds of daily things. In order to meet the needs of students' daily study and meet the needs of modern library management, we decided to develop a web-based library seat management system. It helps students make online appointments quickly and improves learning efficiency.
The system is developed in the object-oriented Java language, designed through the ssm framework, and uses the relational database MySQL to store data. Using the B/S development mode, users only need to access the system through the browser to obtain the library seat information, and can reserve seats online, etc., realizing the scientific management and query statistics of information. This paper first puts forward the significance of developing the web-based library seat management system through the investigation of relevant systems, and then uses the current mainstream technology to develop it to meet the technical requirements of the web-based library seat management system, analyzes the functions that the system needs to achieve and carries out the design. Sort out the business process, design the database according to the function, and finally implement it by coding, introducing the key algorithm logic. In the test phase, test cases are used to ensure that the system can operate normally and achieve the purpose of the preliminary requirements. The implementation of the system facilitates the library management. The perfect application of information technology in the library seat management system makes the library seat management become fast and efficient.
Keywords: Java; database library; Seat reservation
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文结构 2
2 技术介绍 3
2.1 开发工具和开发语言 3
2.2 SSM框架简介 3
2.2.1 Mybatis 3
2.2.2 Spring 3
2.2.3 Spring MVC 3
2.3 MYSQL数据库 3
3 系统分析 5
3.1 可行性分析 5
3.1.1 经济可行性 5
3.1.2 技术可行性 5
3.1.3 操作可行性 5
3.1.4 时间可行性 5
3.2 需求分析 5
3.2.1学生用户 6
3.2.2 管理员 6
4 系统设计 8
4.1 体系结构设计 8
4.2 功能结构设计 9
4.3 数据库设计 9
5 系统实现 13
5.1 前台功能实现 13
5.1.1 登录 13
5.1.2 网站首页 13
5.1.3 座位预约 14
5.1.4 取消预约 14
5.1.5 个人中心 15
5.2 后台管理端实现 15
5.2.1 登录 16
5.2.2 图书馆座位管理 16
5.2.3 学生管理 17
5.2.4 座位预约管理 17
5.2.5 留言评论 18
5.2.6修改密码 18
6 系统测试 20
6.1 概述 20
6.2 测试目的 20
6.3 系统功能测试 21
6.3.1登录测试 21
6.3.2 修改密码模块测试 21
6.3.3 删除学生模块测试 22
6.3.4 座位预约模块测试 23
6.4 测试结果 23
7 结论与展望 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 27