2. MRD:Market Requirements Document (市场需求文档)
3. PRD:Product Requirements Document (产品需求文档)
4. UCD:User Centered Design(以用户为中心的设计)

5. UX:User Experience Design(用户体验)
6. UI:User Interface(用户界面)
7. CLI:Command-line Interface(命令行界面)
8. GUI:Graphical User Interface(图形用户界面)
9. NUI:Natural User Interface(自然用户界面)
10. URL:Uniform Resoure Locator(统一资源定位器)
11. PV:page view(页面浏览量)
12. UV:unique visitor(独立访客)
13. SEM:Search Engine Marketing(搜索引擎营销)
14. SEO:Search Engine Optimization(搜索引擎优化)
15. CPC:Cost Per Click(按点击收费)
16. CPA:Cost Per Action(按实际效果计费)
17. CPS:Cost Per Mille(按千次展现计费)
18. CPS:Cost Per Sales(按实际销售产品数量计费)
19. DAU:Daily Active User(日活跃用户量)
20. MAU:Monthly Active User(月活跃用户量)
21. UGC:User Generated Content(用户生产内容)
22. PGC:Professional Generated Content(专业生产内容)
23. SKU:Stock Keeping Unit(库存量单位)
24. SPU:Standard Product Unit (标准化产品单元)
25. ROI:Return On Investment(投资回报率)
26. LTV:Life Time Value(用户生命周期总价值)
27. CAC:Customer Acquisition Cos(新用户获取成本)
28. GMV:Gross Merchandise Volume(商品交易总量)
29. ARPU:AverageRevenuePerUser(平均用户付费率)
30. KOL:Key Opinion Leader(关键意见领袖)
31. KOC:Key Opinion Consumer(关键意见消费者)
32. IAAS:Infrastructure as a Service(基础设施即服务)
33. PAAS:Platform as a Service(平台即服务)
34. SAAS:Software-as-a-service(软件即服务)
35. C2C:Consumer to Consumer(个人对个人的商务服务)
36. B2B:Business to Business(商家对商家)
37. O2O:Online to Offline(线上线下电子商务)
38. B2C:Business to Consumer(商家对个人)
39. B2G:Business to Government(企业对政府)
40. P2P:peer to peer lending(网络借贷)
41. SNS:Social Networking Services(社会性网络服务)
42. IM:Instant Messaging(即时通信)
43. OTA:Online Travel Agent(在线旅行社)
44. ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划)
五、组织管理篇45. KPI:Key Performance Indicator(关键绩效指标)
46. OKR:Objectives and Key Results(目标与关键结果法)
47. JD:Job Descriptions(职位描述)
48. GM:General Manager (总经理)
49. VP:Vice President (副总裁)
50. AVP:Assistant Vice President (副总裁助理)
51. HRD:Human Resource Director (人力资源总监)
52. OD:Operations Director (运营总监)
53. MD:Marketing Director (市场总监)
54. OM:Operations Manager (运作经理)
55. PM:Production Manager(生产经理)、Product Manager(产品经理)、Project Manager(项目经理)
56. UED:User Experience Design(用户体验设计师)
六、技术篇57. SDK:Software Development Kit(软件开发工具包)
58. API:Application Programming Interface(应用编程接口)
59. RSS:Really Simple Syndication(简易信息聚合)
60. LBS:Location Based Service(基于位置的服务)