brain <- RunPCA(brain, assay = "SCT", verbose = FALSE)brain <- FindNeighbors(brain, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)brain <- FindClusters(brain, verbose = FALSE)brain <- RunUMAP(brain, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
然后,可以在 UMAP 空间(使用 DimPlot())中可视化聚类结果,或者使用 SpatialDimPlot() 将聚类结果叠加在图像上。
p1 <- DimPlot(brain, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE)p2 <- SpatialDimPlot(brain, label = TRUE, label.size = 3)p1 + p2

SpatialDimPlot(brain, cells.highlight = CellsByIdentities(object = brain, idents = c(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 8)), facet.highlight = TRUE, ncol = 3)
空间变化特征的识别Seurat 提供了两种方法来识别与组织内部空间位置相联系的分子特征。第一种方法是根据组织内预先定义的解剖区域进行差异表达分析,这些区域的确定可以基于无监督聚类的结果或者已有的知识。在当前情况下,这种方法是可行的,因为所讨论的簇具有清晰可见的空间分布特征。
de_markers <- FindMarkers(brain, ident.1 = 5, ident.2 = 6)SpatialFeaturePlot(object = brain, features = rownames(de_markers)[1:3], alpha = c(0.1, 1), ncol = 3)
除了基于预标注区域的差异表达分析,Seurat还提供了另一种方法FindSpatiallyVariables(),用于在没有预先标注的情况下寻找具有空间分布模式的分子特征。这种方法的默认实现(method = 'markvariogram'),借鉴了Trendsceek算法的思想,它将空间转录组数据视作标记点过程,并通过计算“变差图”来识别那些其表达水平与空间位置相关的基因。具体来说,这一过程会计算gamma(r)值,用以衡量在特定距离“r”处两个点之间的相关性。默认情况下,在分析中使用距离“r”值为5,并仅针对变量基因(其变异性是独立于空间位置来计算的)进行计算,以提高效率。
brain <- FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures(brain, assay = "SCT", features = VariableFeatures(brain)[1:1000], selection.method = "moransi")
现在可视化通过该度量识别的前 6 个特征的表达。
top.features <- head(SpatiallyVariableFeatures(brain, selection.method = "moransi"), 6)SpatialFeaturePlot(brain, features = top.features, ncol = 3, alpha = c(0.1, 1))
cortex <- subset(brain, idents = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7))# now remove additional cells, use SpatialDimPlots to visualize what to remove# SpatialDimPlot(cortex,cells.highlight = WhichCells(cortex, expression = image_imagerow > 400# | image_imagecol < 150))cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 400 | anterior1_imagecol < 150, invert = TRUE)cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 275 & anterior1_imagecol > 370, invert = TRUE)cortex <- subset(cortex, anterior1_imagerow > 250 & anterior1_imagecol > 440, invert = TRUE)p1 <- SpatialDimPlot(cortex, crop = TRUE, label = TRUE)p2 <- SpatialDimPlot(cortex, crop = FALSE, label = TRUE, pt.size.factor = 1, label.size = 3)p1 + p2