
With the development of social economy, the competition in various industries is fierce, and young people are under great pressure. More and more people hope to relieve the pressure through tourism. However, traditional travel agencies can not meet the needs of modern users because they do not have personalized customized services through pre customized routes and fixed times. For this reason, the development of the travel plan APP system can well solve the user's personalized travel service. Through the system, you can query various scenic spot information, book tickets online, query scenic spot strategies, communicate with other users online, and develop your own travel plan. It can not only help users reduce the time to develop strategies, but also help users reduce the economic cost of tourism, and achieve tourism self-service. In the current wave of information development, the travel planning APP system conforms to the trend of the times, promotes local tourism services, drives the tourism economy, and achieves the goal of win-win for scenic spots and tourists.
This system uses the object-oriented Java language to build the system background framework, and the client uses Android technology to store data through the relational database MySQL. Users only need to access the system through App to obtain tourism information, and can book tickets online, query strategies and other businesses, realizing scientific management and query statistics of information. This paper first puts forward the significance of developing the travel plan APP system through the investigation of relevant systems, then uses the current mainstream technology to develop it to meet the technical requirements of the travel plan APP system, and then analyzes the functions that the system needs to achieve and designs. Sort out the business process, design the database according to the function, and finally introduce the key algorithm logic through coding. In the test phase, test cases are used to ensure the normal operation of the system and achieve the purpose of early requirements. The implementation of the system facilitates tourism publicity. The perfect application of information technology in the travel planning APP system makes tourism business simple and efficient.
Keywords: travel, MySQL, Android, ticket booking, travel plan
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 概述 6
1.1 选题背景 6
1.2 选题意义 6
1.3 国内外研究现状 7
1.4 课题内容 8
2 技术介绍 9
2.1 Java语言 9
2.2 MySQL数据库 9
2.3 Android技术 10
3 系统需求分析 11
3.1可行性研究 11
3.1.1操作可行性 11
3.1.2经济可行性 11
3.1.3技术可行性 11
3.2需求分析 11
3.2.1用户用例 11
3.2.3管理员用例 12
3.3系统流程分析 13
4 系统设计 16
4.1系统功能设计 16
4.1.1客户端App功能设计 16
4.1.2网站后台功能设计 17
4.2 数据库设计 17
4.2.1 E-R图设计 17
4.2.2 数据表设计 18
5 系统实现 27
5.1 客户端App功能实现 27
5.1.1App首页 27
5.1.2 景点信息查看 27
5.1.3 酒店信息查看 28
5.1.4 旅游线路信息查看 29
5.1.5 旅游计划发布 30
5.2 后台模块实现 31
5.2.1 后台登录 31
5.2.2 后台主界面 32
5.2.3 景点管理的实现 33
5.2.4 酒店管理的实现 33
5.2.5 景点预定管理的实现 34
6 系统测试 36
6.1 测试环境 36
6.2 测试内容 36
6.3 测试结论 38
7 总结 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
Android是一种基于Linux内核的操作系统,开源免费,该系统主要用于移动设备的开发。在移动互联网的发展下,Android也直接运用到平板电脑和电视上,因为移动设备的便携性,所以带来了Android系统的的快速发展。各种手机开发商通过对Android系统的升级,扩展了许多个性化定制的内容,方便用户的使用。Android技术包括一系列的服务和系统,主要包括内容提供器Content Providers、资源提供器Resource Manager、通知管理器Notification Manager、活动管理器Activity Manager。Android的组件又包括了活动、服务、广播接收器、内容提供商。通过界面的设计来表现功能、后台运行服务,而内容提供商主要支持数据库的存储和读取。
Android开发有多种方式,常见的包括WebApp、Native App、Hybrid App,Native App是原生APP开发,开发出来的APP界面比较死板,不容易扩展。而WebApp开发包括了多种技术,通过Web技术实现,Android的开发可以融合多种算法和语言进行。WebApp编程也可以方便的进行移植,无论是Android系统还是苹果系统(object-c)都可以很好的运行。本沸点广告业务管理APP使用WebApp进行进行App的开发,代码容易维护,支持多平台的兼容,开发效率高。