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Today, the editor brings the "Model settings of the doctoral dissertation 《Research on pricing and channel selection that considers consumer information and fairness concerns》”.
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本期推文将从思维导图、精读内容、知识补充三个方面介绍博士论文《考虑消费者信息和公平关切 的定价及渠道选择研究》3.2 模型设定。
This issue's tweet will introduce the doctoral dissertation 《Research on pricing and channel selection that considers consumer information and fairness concerns》 from three perspectives: mind mapping, detailed content analysis, and supplementary knowledge, focusing on research on model settings.
思维导图:Mind mapping
精读内容:Intensive reading content
In the model setup section, the author first introduces the background, considering a two-stage model and referencing some literature to define the symbols.
Secondly, the author introduces the consumer's utility from purchasing the product and defines various parameters, assuming that the basic utility of the product is large enough for every consumer to purchase the product at each stage. The author also introduces relative production efficiency.
Then, the author introduces the game sequence in this chapter. In the zeroth stage, both companies simultaneously choose the quality level ai of their products. In the first stage, both companies simultaneously set the retail price pi1 for consumers, who then make their purchasing decisions. In the second stage, after observing the consumers' purchasing behavior in the first stage, the companies set their second-stage retail prices. At this point, the high-type (low-type) company sets the price pH0 (pL0) for loyal customers who bought from the high-type (low-type) company in the first stage and continue to purchase in the second stage. The price pHn (pLn) is set for new customers who bought from the low-type (high-type) company in the first stage but switch to the high-type (low-type) company in the second stage.
Finally, the author introduces the notation and its definitions used in this chapter. The superscript N represents the benchmark case, where there is neither consumer awareness nor BBP.
知识补充:Knowledge supplement
1、什么是相对生产效率 What is relative production efficiency
相对生产效率(Relative Production Efficiency)是一种衡量一个企业、工厂或经济体在生产过程中效率的指标,通常用于比较不同单位之间的生产绩效。它通常考虑投入(如劳动力、资本、材料等)与产出(如产品、服务等)之间的比率,从而评估一个单位相对于其他单位的生产效率。
Relative production efficiency is a metric used to measure the efficiency of an enterprise, factory, or economy in the production process. It is often used to compare the production performance of different units. It typically considers the ratio between inputs (such as labor, capital, materials) and outputs (such as products, services) to evaluate a unit's production efficiency relative to others.
相对生产效率的衡量方法可以多种多样,以下是几种常见的方法:(1)生产力指标(Productivity Index):通过比较不同单位的生产力(产出/投入)来衡量效率。例如,两个工厂都生产同样数量的产品,但一个工厂使用的劳动力和资源更少,那么这个工厂的相对生产效率更高。(2)数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA):一种非参数方法,用于评估多个决策单元(如公司或工厂)的相对效率。DEA通过构建效率前沿,比较每个决策单元相对于这个前沿的距离来衡量效率。(3)斯托卡斯蒂克前沿分析(Stochastic Frontier Analysis,SFA):一种参数方法,通过构建生产函数并考虑随机误差和无效率因素,来估计各个单位的相对效率。(4)技术效率(Technical Efficiency)和分配效率(Allocative Efficiency):技术效率指的是单位以最少的投入生产出最大产出的能力,而分配效率则指的是单位在生产过程中资源配置的优化程度。
There are various methods to measure relative production efficiency, including the following common ones: (1) Productivity Index: This method measures efficiency by comparing the productivity (output/input) of different units. For example, if two factories produce the same quantity of products, but one uses less labor and resources, that factory has higher relative production efficiency. (2) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): A non-parametric method used to evaluate the relative efficiency of multiple decision-making units (such as companies or factories). DEA constructs an efficiency frontier and measures the distance of each decision-making unit from this frontier to assess efficiency. (3) Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA): A parametric method that estimates the relative efficiency of units by constructing a production function and considering random errors and inefficiency factors. (4) Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency: Technical efficiency refers to a unit's ability to produce the maximum output with the minimum input, while allocative efficiency refers to the optimal allocation of resources in the production process.
That's all for today's sharing.
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I wish you a nice day!
参考文献:[1] 江豫. 考虑消费者信息和公平关切的定价及渠道选择研究 [D]. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学, 2023.