
With the development of Internet technology, the traditional commodity sales have ushered in opportunities. China is a country with a large population and a large demand for commodities. How to promote commodity sales is a matter of great concern to enterprises. With the diversified development of e-commerce, various types of goods are gradually transferred to online sales. With the help of the Internet, it will drive enterprises to open their markets and promote the sustainable development of commodity sales. At the same time, through the WeChat mall based on the WeChat applet, more people can buy high-quality and low-cost group-buying goods, which is no longer limited by time and place, and convenient for buyers. In this transaction mode of killing two birds with one stone, it is very meaningful to develop WeChat mall based on WeChat applet.
WeChat mall based on WeChat applet uses a WeChat applet developed by Java framework to store data in MySQL, and the client front desk uses WeChat applet technology to design and implement the interface. This paper first fully investigates the demand analysis of WeChat mall based on WeChat applet, deeply analyzes the functions that the system should have, and designs a perfect database. Use mature development technology to complete the coding work, and finally carry out the test work before the investment. Finally, we will complete the functions of WeChat mall based on WeChat applets at the front and back ends, mainly including group purchase commodity management, online purchase management, member management, announcement management, etc., and realize data transmission through the front and back ends.
Key Words:WeChat applet; Java language; Weihai Mall; Electronic Commerce
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
目 录 4
1系统概述 7
1.1 研究的背景和意义 7
1.2 国内外研究现状 8
1.3 研究内容 8
2系统技术 10
2.1 Java技术 10
2.2 MYSQL数据库 10
2.3 微信小程序技术 11
2.4 JSON数据 11
3系统需求分析 13
3.1 可行性分析 13
3.1.1 经济可行性 13
3.1.2 技术可行性 13
3.1.3 法律可行性 13
3.2 需求分析 13
3.2.1 非功能性需求 13
3.2.2 功能性需求 14
4系统设计 17
4.1 架构设计 17
4.2 功能设计 18
4.2.1 管理员功能设计 18
4.2.3 会员功能设计 19
4.3 数据库设计 21
4.3.1 数据库设计原则 21
4.3.2 数据库ER图设计 21
4.3.3 数据库表设计 22
5 系统实现 30
5.1 服务器管理员功能实现 30
5.1.1 管理员登录功能实现 30
5.1.2 用户管理功能实现 30
5.1.3 商品管理功能实现 32
5.2.4 公告管理功能实现 32
5.2.5 商品订单管理功能实现 33
5.2 小程序端会员功能实现 34
5.2.1 会员登录管理实现 34
5.2.2 个人中心功能实现 35
5.3.3 商品公告查看功能实现 36
5.3.4 商品购买功能实现 37
第6章 系统测试 39
6.1 程序测试 39
6.2 测试用例 40
6.3 系统测试结果 42
结论 43
参考文献 44
致谢 46