# 定义棋盘,简化为字符串表示
board = " a b c d e f g h\n" + \

" +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n" + \
" | | | |车| |将/帅| | |\n" + \
" |仕/士|相/象|马| | | | | |\n" + \
" | | | | | | | | | |\n" + \
" |车| |将/帅| | | | | | |\n" + \
" |仕/士|相/象|马| | | | | |\n" + \
" | | | |车| | |将/帅| | |\n" + \
" +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n" + \
" a b c d e f g h\n"
# 定义移动是否合法的函数
def is_move_legal(board, from_square, to_square):
# 检查起点和终点是否在棋盘上
if from_square not in board or to_square not in board:
return False
# 检查是否有任何棋子在终点位置
if board[to_square] != ' ':
return False
# 检查起点和终点的相对位置
row_diff = from_square[0] - to_square[0]
col_diff = from_square[1] - to_square[1]
# 计算移动距离
if abs(row_diff) > 1 or abs(col_diff) > 1:
return False
# 根据起点和终点的位置,判断棋子类型
piece = board[from_square]
if piece == '车':
return True
elif piece == '马':
return (row_diff == -2 and col_diff == -1) or (row_diff == -2 and col_diff == 1) or \
(row_diff == 2 and col_diff == -1) or (row_diff == 2 and col_diff == 1)
elif piece == '将' or piece == '帅':
return row_diff == 0 or col_diff == 0
return (row_diff == 1 and col_diff == 0) or (row_diff == -1 and col_diff == 0) or \
(row_diff == 0 and col_diff == -1) or (row_diff == 0 and col_diff == 1)
# 测试函数
move = ('e', 'c'), ('e', 'd')
print(is_move_legal(board, move[0], move[1])) # 车移动,应该返回True