Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. This is a piece of elastic cloth modeled from more than a million tiny triangles and its interaction with seven million colored grains of sand.
亲爱的学霸们,这里是由 Károly Zsolnai-Fehér 为你们带来的两分钟论文。这是一块弹性布料,由超过一百万个小三角形组成,与七百万个彩色沙粒相互作用。

This is super challenging because of two things: one, we have to compute the elastic deformations when these millions of tiny elements collide, and two, all this, while maintaining two-way coupling. This means that the cloth has an effect on the sand, but the effect of the sand is also simulated on the cloth.
In elastic deformations, there are potential interactions between distant parts of the same material and self-collisions may also occur. Previous state of the art techniques were either lacking in these self-collision effects, or the ones that were able to process that also included the fracturing of the material.
With this novel work, it is possible to simulate both elastic deformations as you can see here, but, it also supports simulating plasticity as you can see here with the cloth pieces sliding off of each other. Beautiful!
This new technique also supports simulating a variety of different types of materials, knitted cloth ponchos, shag carpets, twisting cloth, hair, tearing fiber and more. And it does all this with a typical execution time between 10 to 90 seconds per frame.
In these black screens, you see the timing information and the number of particles and triangles used in these simulations. And you will see that there are many scenes where millions of triangles and particles are processed in very little time.
It is very rare that we can implement only one technique that takes care of so many kinds of interactions while still obtaining results very quickly. This is insanity.
This paper is absolutely top tier bang for the buck and I am really excited to see some more elastoplastic simulations in all kinds of digital media in the future. You know our motto: a couple more papers down the line and having something like this in real-time applications may become a reality.
Really cool! If you enjoyed this episode and you feel that 8 of these videos a month is worth a dollar, please consider supporting us on Patreon.
如果你喜欢这期视频,觉得每月8个视频值一美元,就请考虑一下在 Patreon 平台上支持我们。
One dollar per month really doesn't break the bank but it is a great deal of help for us in keeping the series going. And your support has always been absolutely amazing and I am so grateful to have so many devoted Fellow Scholars like you in our ranks.
Details are in the video description, have a look. Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!